Camilo Fernández González - Valdehorras

Pseudonym: Camilo F. Valdehorras
Category: Philologist
Birth Date: 25th June 1959
Birth Place: O Barco (Ourense)
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His family moved to Ribadeo (Lugo), where he studied Primary Education (1965-1969). He studied Secondary Education in the Seminary of Mondoñedo – Lugo (1969-1973), the GCE A-level at ‘Instituto Masculino’, Lugo (1973-1976) and Hispanic Philology and Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela (1976-1980). In 1980, he established himself in Barcelona, where he graduated in Drama, Audiovisual Language and Stage Direction at the Theatre Institute (1980-1984). He also took a degree and a doctor’s degree in Romance Philology at the University of Barcelona. Since 1986, he has been a Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology in the Faculty of Philology of Barcelona University, where he also promoted the creation of the degree in Galician Philology. He elaborated the curriculum of the Degree in Galician Philology (1994) and promoted and coordinated the Commemoration of the Galician Letters at the University of Barcelona as well as several conferences and courses related to Galician culture. He was one of the founders of the Galician University Choir in Barcelona, created in 1992 and the Galician University Theatre Group that performed sixteen pieces of the main Galician classic and contemporary authors. He was invited to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1995-1998) and to the Spanish Open University in Tarrasa (1997-1999). He coordinated the edition of ‘Caderno sobre Lírica Galega Medieval’ (Terrassa, 1998) and ‘Revista Ciutat’ nº 9.

 Work & Activities

He has participated as a rapporteur in conferences, summer courses and symposia on Galician Language and Literature with studies related to his speciality (lexicography, sociolinguistic and mainly Galician history and literary criticism). He was on the Galician literary, cultural and political movement since he was very young.

From 1976 to 1980, he took an active part in the revival of Galician culture. He was the secretary of ‘O Eixo’ University Cultural Association (Santiago, 1977-1980), poet member of ‘Rompente’ Group, Vigo (1977-1979), joint author of ‘Silabario da Turbina’ (1978), founder of ‘Tangaraño’ Folk Group (1977-1980), responsible for the theatre criticism section in La Voz de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (1978-1980) and promoter and founder of the Association of Writers in Galician. In 2002, he became member of the board of directors of the ‘Centro de Estudios Oterianos’, linked to Otero Pedrayo Foundation, being responsible for the Literature and Theatre section. Nowadays, Nowadays, he forms part of several work groups and scientific committees such as the editorial staff of ‘Citania’ (Santiago), the board of directors of the ‘Centro de Estudios Oterianos’, the scientific committee of the ‘Asociación d’Amics de Sant Jaume de Cataluña’ and the organizing committee of the First International Conference on Jacobean Studies of Catalonia.

He wrote two Galician Grammars, two bilingual dictionaries (Galician-Castilian), a Galician dialectal glossary, a two-volume Galician encyclopaedia and several books about Galician literature. He has translated works from Portuguese to Spanish and from Spanish to Galician and coordinated ‘Visao’ Portuguese library (2000). He was the scientific advisor of ‘Biblioteca 120 de Literatura Gallega’, published in 2002 by La Voz de Galicia and coordinated ‘Temarios Vox en galego’, SPES (Barcelona). He has been writing poetry, literature and theatre since he was seventeen and usually writes articles for La Voz de Galicia, O Correo Galego, El Periódico de Cataluña and A Peneira and for specialized magazines. He is the founder of ‘reNOVA GALIza’ (2005), a magazine about civic thought, cultural action and Galician solidarity. He is also the author of ‘Lagarada’, ‘Ramón Otero Pedrayo arredor de si’, ‘O poeta asasinado’, ‘Da poesía dramática e da dramaturxia de R.O.P.’, ‘Pro Opera Omnia de R.O.P.’, ‘La literatura breu de ficció de R. Otero Pedrayo’, ‘Silabario da turbina’, Vigo (1978); ‘A morte natal e outros poemas’, Madrid (1999); ‘Xinea’, a collection of poems included in ‘Alén do azul. Unha ducia de poetas galegos en Cataluña’, Ediciós do Castro (2000); ‘Progreso e andrómena de Antroido’ (Abrente Theatre Prize, 1977), A Coruña, Edicións do Rueiro (1978); ‘Seoane e as andoriñas’, Bule-Bule Produccións, Maratón-Estudio (1996), ‘A cerimonia do té’, Barcelona (1997), ‘Progreso e andrómena de antroido’ (1977), ‘Lenda lerenda dunha madama compostelá’, ‘A ceremonia do té’, ‘Seoane e as andoriñas’, ‘O trasno na fiestra’, ‘O xardín deixado ou cómo alumean os luceiros do dezanove’, ‘O son das flores’, ‘A creba ou Eleuteria. O tempo no espello e as torres no ar de Avilés de Taramancos’ and ‘Seoane e as andoriñas’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded the Fifth Abrente Prize for ‘Progreso e andrómena de Antroido. Farsa veraz e alegoria festiva’ (1978) and the honourable mention at Rafael Dieste Prize (County Council of A Coruña) for ‘Seoane e as andoriñas. Tríptico da nación fantasma’ (1994). He was also awarded ‘Eijo Garay’ Poetry Prize (Lugo, 1976); ‘Abrente’ Theatre Prize (Ribadavia, 1977); ‘Meigas e Trasgos’ Galician Poetry Prize (Sarria, 1978); ‘Eidos de Poesía galega’ Prize, La Salle School, Santiago (Santiago, 1978); ‘Sociedad Filantrópico-Dramática’ Poetry Prize (Ribadeo, 1979); consolation prize at ‘Rafael Dieste’ Theatre Prize, County Council of A Coruña (1994) and ‘Trevinca’ Galician Poetry Prize (Xares, 2003). He was also awarded the Diploma to the Cultural Merit (Barcelona, 2000), ‘Castelao’ Prize (2001), ‘Lois Peña Novo’ Prize (2002) and the honourable plaque of the ‘O Botafumeiro’ Galician Brotherhood (2003).
He married Mercè Pinyol Torrent and has been living in Barcelona since 1980.