Baldo Ramos

Category: Teacher, poet and plastic artist
Birth Date: In 1971
Birth Place: Celanova (Ourense)

 Work & Activities

His work explores spaces shared by poetry and painting. As a result of this fusion, he published ‘Ut pictura poesis’, ‘As follas da memoria’, ‘Monólogo do calígrafo’ and ‘Signos de cinza’, among others. He has published the following poetry books: ‘Raizames’, (Follas Novas, Santiago, 2001), ‘A árbore da cegueira’ (Espiral Maior, A Coruña, 2002), ‘Los ojos de las palabras’ (María del Villar Berruezo Foundation, Tafalla, 2002), ‘El sueño del murciélago’ (Pre-textos, Valencia, 2003), ‘Escure a transparente’ (3C3 Editores, Santiago, 2003) and ‘Diario de una despedida’ (Amarú Ediciones, Salamanca).
His poetry was collected in several collective editions such as ‘Poetas del 2004’ (Institute of Peruvian Culture, Miami, 2005), ‘Antología de Joven Poesía Gallega’ (, on the web) and ‘Certamen de Poesía Rosalía de Castro, 1992-1996’ (Sotelo Blanco, Santiago de Compostela, 2000).
As far as his pictorial work is concerned, it was exhibited in different Spanish galleries and illustrated many books and magazines.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded the following prizes: ‘Arcipreste de Hita’, ‘María del Villar Berruezo’, ‘Ayuntamiento de Carral’, ‘Rosalía de Castro’, ‘Ciudad de Tobarra’, ‘Celso Emilio Ferreiro’ and the accesit in the fourth edition of Víctor Jara Latin American Poetry Contest.