Aurelio Aguirre Galárraga

Category: Poet
Birth Date: 23rd April 1833 (†29th July 1858)
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)

Although he studied Law, he dedicated his short life to poetry. Since he was very young, he promoted literary evenings at St Agustin Lyceum, where he got in touch with Pondal, Luis Rodríguez Seoane and Rosalía de Castro. He was considered by his friends as the ‘Galician Espronceda’.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important compositions: Improvisación (a sonet dedicated to Rosalía de Castro), Ensayos poéticos, A una pescadora, El expósito, Un mendigo, A un esclavo, A una huérfana, El adiós del desterrado, A la juventud gallega, Al Liceo de la Juventud de Santiago, Amor patrio, A los mártires de Carral, among others.