He took a degree in Law just as his friend Vicente Risco. In 1917, they founded the magazine La centuria in Ourense, being Noguerol the administator and a great collaborator. In 1918, he joined the Galician movement and was a member of the Irmandá Rexionalista d'Ourense. Shortly after the revolt in 1936, he was found dead on the road.
In 1917, he published an essay in the newspaper La Patria. He started to worry about patriotism showing his imminent conversion to the movement for Galician Autonomy.Between 1918 and 1923 he published articles about economy and political reflections. One of the most important articles is No víspera da II Asamblea. As intransixencias i-os escrusimismos nazonalistas (1919). In the 70's he published nine articles in the magazine Nós. He defended an improvement of the working hours, the union and abolition of class war. He defended Galicia in every sense. He defended the Galician language criticising those who considered it as inferior. He also defended the peasants to avoid rural depopulation, education and so on.Arturo Noguerol was also quite an important orator. He gave a great secture in Vigo in 1922 for the exhibition of Álbum Nós by Castelao.