Ángel José López Guerrero

Pseudonym: J. de Alcarria
Category: Doctor
Birth Date: 1st October 1926 ( † 3rd december 2013)
Birth Place: Olmeda de Jadraque (Guadalajara)

He took a degree in Medicine and Surgery at Santiago de Compostela University and specialised in Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapeutics. He also graduated in Journalism at 'Menéndez Pelayo' International University of Santander and he is a skipper.

 Work & Activities

He edited the university magazine 'Servicio' and filled the office of Spanish representative in the International Conference of Anaesthesiology in Estoril and director of the Pain Unit of the University Hospital in Santiago. He was the president of 'Democracia Cristiana de Galicia', deputy in A Coruña during the third session, deputy mayor in the City Council of Santiago, president of the Association of former mayors and town councillors of Santiago and president of the Aero Club in Santiago de Compostela. He was the author of sixty-eight scientific reports, fifty-two national and foreign publications and ninety-seven speeches and lectures.

He published the books 'El dolor. Enfoque multidisciplinar'; 'Parladoiro'; 'Guerrero pregunta, el Gobierno responde'; 'Intervenciones Públicas'; 'Las rimas de Evagrio' and 'Rimando que es gerundio'.

He took part in ten painting exhibitions (individual and collective) and collaborated in most Galician newspapers and other parts of Spain.

He also took part in the magazines 'Rumbo' (Lugo), 'Vida Gallega' (Vigo), 'Cisne' (Valladolid), 'Diana' (Zamora), 'Guía', 'Noticias Médicas', 'La Hora' and 'Haz' (Madrid).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was very keen on painting, poetry and chess. He was awarded the silver medal of the Spanish Society of Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapeutics. He was a member of the Galician Academy of medicine and Surgery and the 'Enxebre Orde da Vieira'. He was a member of many societies and associations.