Ánxeles Rodríguez Ferrer

Birth Date: 2nd September 1957
Birth Place: Valdeorras (Ourense)
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She studied Secondary Education in O Barco de Valdeorras and then Educational Sciences. She was keen on drawing and painting since she was a child and considers herself as an autodidact, although she attended a course at ‘Maestro Mateo’ Applied Arts School in Santiago. She carried out the following exhibitions: ‘Galicia Solidariedade’ (collective exhibitions of Galician illustrators for peace and tolerance), ‘As cores do vento’ (collective exhibition of illustrators), ‘Cores para a xente miúda’ (collective exhibition of illustrators, Sargadelos, Ferrol), ‘Otros pinochos españoles’ (collective exhibition of illustrators, Círculo de Lectores), ‘Rosalía ilustrada’ (collective exhibition of illustrators, Casa da Matanza, Padrón), poster for the international scientific seminar on the ‘Prestige’ (Consello da Cultura Galega, March 2003; the poster is a homage for the volunteers), sketch for the cover of the book Efectos económicos, sociais e ambientais da marea negra do Prestige (A. Prada-Vázquez) and ‘A nosa literatura infantil e xuvenil’ (2000).

 Work & Activities

She wrote and illustrated the following short stories: A aventura de Xanzolo (Xerais), Os Señores Meses (Xerais), Ola, son a lúa (Everest), O grilo Gastón (Everest) and A pequena árbore (Xerais). Besides, she illustrated Oso mimoso (B. Graña), O Quirico lambón (B. Graña), Peter Pan nos xardíns de Kesington (J.M. Barrie), A campá da lúa (Helena Villar Janeiro), A casa de cartón (Concha Blanco), Que risa de rata (Ana M. Fernández), Carapuchiña vermella (Kalandraka) and Contos fantásticos II (Cabalo Buligán; Reigosa and Miranda). She has written textbooks for Xerais, Edebé and Santillana-Obradoiro.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She was selected by the ‘Consellería de Cultura’ for the Book Fair of Bologna in 1997 and 2003 and for the honourable list of the IBBY for her story Os Señores Meses. She was an invited illustrator in the magazine ‘Clij’ in 1996 (nº 81) and participated in many meetings in libraries and schools, within the reading campaigns promoted by the ‘Consellería de Cultura’. She is a member of the Galician Association of Illustrators.