-Degree in Catholic Theology at the Pontifical University in Salamanca. -Degree in Philosophy and Arts.-Certificate of Dramatic Expression.-Postgraduate course: 'Theatre theory and critic'.-Certificate of Galician Language at the Language School.-Philosophy teacher of Secondary Education.
-Member of the Galician Dramatic School.-Member of the theatre classroom at the Teaching School in Pontevedra.-He took part in the creation of the 'Kalandra' School of Dramatic Expression and 'Teatro de ningures'.-Theatre coordinator at the Technical College in A Coruña.-Member of the Committee of the 'Mostra de Teatro de Cangas' (theatre show in Cangas).-Editor of the magazine 'Revista Gallega de Teatro'.-Director of different stage designs for amateur and school theatre.-Author of several books and articles about theatre.-Responsible for culture at the Town Hall of Cangas.-He travelled around France, Italy, U.S.A., Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Germany...