Ángel Ruiz Fidalgo

Category: Agricultural engineer
Birth Date: 8th July 1928
Birth Place: Arcos de la Polvorosa (Zamora)

He took a doctor's degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Polytechnical University in Madrid and a degree in Business Economy and Tributary Law and Fiscal Consultantship. In 1957, he entered the National Corps of Agricultural Engineers and became the head of the Agricultural Service of Pontevedra, dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1962, he was nominated as delegate of the Service of Land Consolidation in Galicia. Later on, he filled the offices of head of the Cadastre Service of the Exchequer in Ourense (1967-80), territorial manager of the Centre of Cadastral Management in Ourense (1980-86), 'Conselleiro de Agricultura, Gandeiría, Montes e Medioambiente' (Xunta de Galicia, 1986-1987) and inspector of Real state Taxes of the Exchequer in Ourense (1988-1993). He has been the president of the board of management of 'Limia Baixa-Serra do Xurés' Natural Park in Ourense since September 1993. From 1964 to 1972, he worked as consultant for the bank firm 'Caja de Ahorros de Ourense'. He was also a member of the Provincial Town Planning Commission (1982-86), the Galician Town Planning Committee (1994-99) and the Provincial Jury of Expropriation in Ourense (1988-93).

 Work & Activities

He has made and directed many projects on Rural Engineering in different sectors such as agricultural, cattle, reformation of agrarian structures and urban infrastructures: COREN (1964-67), 'Caja de Ahorros de Ourense' (1961-64), 'San Ciprián de Viñas' Industrial State (1967-70), 'Diestrales de la Iglesia Reunidos SA' (1976), 'Banco del Noroeste' (1975-77), GOISA and CATOURE SL. He is the author of several studies on the agricultural and industrial sectors such as: La Ordenación Rural en Ourense, La Viticultura en Orense, Condiciones Geoeconómicas de la provincia de Orense-El Polígono Industrial de San Ciprián de Viñas (1976), Bases para una política de Gobierno para Galicia en el Sector Agrario (Fundación Alfredo Brañas, 1989), Los Espacios Naturales y el desarrollo sostenible (1996) and Explotaciones agropecuarias en un Espacio Natural Protegido (1996). He took an active part as rapporteur in Courses on Nature Reserves, Rural Tourism, Ethics and Environmental Policy, Transborder Cooperation, Territory Planning and Biodiversity.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got several distinctions such as the Command Order of the Agricultural Merit (1965) and 'Caballero de Cisneros' Cross (1966).