Ángel Rodríguez Castedo

Birth Place: Sarria (Lugo)
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He took a degree in Philosophy and Arts at Complutense University (Madrid) and attended doctorate courses. He also graduated in Pedagogical and Industrial Psycology (Complutense University) and in Gerontology at the Spanish Society of Geriatry and Gerontology (Madrid). He entered the Administration in 1997 and has been the director general of the Institute of Migrations and Social Services since April 2004. He was also the director general of ‘Personalia, S.A. Empresa de Servicios Socio-Sanitarios. Grupo Fundosa y Ceosa’ (2002-04), general secretary of the Economical and Social Council (1993-2001), director general of the National Institute of Social Services (1985-93), director of the National Institute of Social Assistance and manager of the National Fund of Social Assistance (1983-85). Besides, he was the Spanish national secretary for ‘International Rehabilitation’ (a consultive entity of the United Nations) 1985-93, vicepresident of the National Committee for the Coordination of HELIOS Programme of the European Union (1989-93), responsible for the National Gerontological Plan (1988-93), member of the Council of the National Health System (1988-93), member of the Social Matters Conference(1988-93), member of several commissions and collegiate associations of the Spanish Public Administration (1983-2002) and Spanish representative member and rapporteur in several meetings of the European Community, the European Council and the United Nations. As far as his teaching activity is concerned, he gave classes in masters about Gerontology, Public Management and Social Development, Systems for the Attendance of the Disable, Social Expenditure and Social Services at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Alcalá de Henares and Carlos III Universities (Madrid). Besides, he was a Professor of the Master in Public and Social Policy, teaching the subject ‘Servicios Sociales y Sanitarios para las Personas Mayores’ at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), the Master in Social Services Management and other training programmes of the Latin American Social Security Organisation.

 Work & Activities

He participates as a rapporteur in several courses, conferences and seminars and gives consultancy and technical assistance related to social protection and social services in several Latin American countries. He is the author of the following publications: Evaluación de programas y servicios para el bienestar social, El fenómeno del envejecimiento: análisis y propuestas, La tercera edad en España: Características, necesidades y recursos, El futuro de la protección social a las personas mayores en el contexto de la Unión Europea, Los Servicios Sociales: Hacia una sociedad más justa y solidaria, Servicios Sociales y Empleo, Desempleo,Exclusión y el discurso de la Igualdad, Política Social y Empleo de las personas con discapacidad en la Unión Europea, Aspectos económicos y sociales de la integración laboral de las personas con deficiencia mental, La protección económica y los servicios sociales específicos para las personas con minusvalía, Servicios Sociales y Sanitarios para la tercera edad, La prestación de servicios a las personas con dependencia y a sus familias and La regulación de la atención a la Dependencia en la Unión Europea: Modelos comparados.

 Other Interesting Aspects

The City Council of Sarria conferred him the distinction of ‘honorary citizen’ and made an agreement to put his name to a street of the village.