Alfredo Somoza Gutiérrez

Category: Supporter of Galician autonomy
Birth Date: 8th April 1892 (†29th October 1951)
Birth Place: A Coruña

After studying Accountancy in his native city, he began to work in a shoe factory. He participated in the foundation of 'Xuventudes Galeguistas' and 'Irmandades da Fala' and collaborated on several occasions in the newspapers Nós and Terra Galega (A Coruña). In 1936, he became a member of the Parliament and during the Civil War, he lived hidden in A Coruña for eleven years. In 1947, he moved to France and after getting in touch with his cousin Alfonso Rodríguez Castelao, who was living in Buenos Aires at that moment, he travelled to Montevideo in 1948.