“Cinema direction”, Camilo José Cela University.
“Community Management”, UNED Foundation.
He specialized in Journalism and Information Sciences at Miguel de Cervantes European University.
He is the president of Chantada Films. He produces and directs rural underground shorts and the cases were made by cartoonists like Nazario, Pedro Vera, Xaquín Marín and Joan Boix. He worked as editor in “Semanal Joven de Ourense”, editor-in-chief in “Achantada”, editor in RTTL –Radio Televisión Terras de Lemos- and comic critic in “A Nosa Terra Diario Dixital”. Nowadays, he collaborates with articles and reports in La Voz de Galicia and El Progreso and is on the editorial staff of A Voz do Agro. He usually collaborates in the cultural section of “Praza Pública” and his blog “Qadriños”, dedicated to comic. He made drawings for books, magazines and fanzines and was awarded several prizes: drawing (“Chantada Pinta”, first prize in 2007 and 2008), fiction (“A toda vela”, first prize, Cambre – A Coruña) and photography. He is the vice-president of “Círculo Recreativo Cultural de Chantada, coordinated and wrote “El libro de oro del C.R.C.”, collaborated in “Crónicas Chantadinas” and signed “Apuntes para una historia de la cinematografía en Chantada”. He organized two exhibitions in Chantada and Ourense: “Medio siglo de cómics” and “El mundo en imágenes”.
Punto e final (1999)
O labirinto ario (2008)
Garabolis (2010)
Lola (2011)