He graduated in Applied Arts (Advertising Drawing) and is registered as an artisan in the Junta de Castilla y León (Industry, Commerce and Tourism Service). He is a representative member of REMES in Spain (World Network of Writers in Spanish).
-2004: Exhibition in the Independent Art Fair of Madrid (FAIM).
-Collective exhibition, Jadite Gallery (New York).
-Art and Poetry (collective exhibition), Miami’s Museum.
-"La Llama", ASAJA (Valladolid).
-Luis Véz Gallery, Cultural Centre (Medina del Campo).
-Itinerant exhibition at the civic centres of Valladolid.
-Tryp Sofía (Valladolid).
-Gallery of the Catholic Circle (Valladolid).
-Railway station Gallery (Valladolid).
-Central Hispano (Valladolid).
-Molina-Art Gallery (Valladolid).
-JovenArt Gallery (Madrid).
-Collective exhibition (Ortigueira).
-Graphic designer and illustrator: "Bocetos y Finales", Madrid (1986-87).
-Graphic designer and illustrator: "Studio-2", Madrid.
-Graphic designer: "Comunicarte", Madrid.
-Graphic designer: Grupo-Barro, Madrid.
-Art manager: Grupo-Barro, A Coruña.
-Graphic designer and illustrator: "Maas", Valladolid (2004).
-He made the image of the project "La Natural" for Valladolid County Council (Agriculture and Environment). This project was subsidized by the EU, "El Colectivo para el Desarrollo Rural de Tierra de Campos", "España Espacio Atlántico" and Valladolid County Council.
-He made illustrations and panels for Valladolid County Council, owing to the conference celebrated by the ‘Asociación Vallisoletana de Agricultura de Conservación’.
-He made the image for the Ovine Milking Contest 2006/2007, celebrated in Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid).
-"Al alba" (illustrated poems).
-"5ª Antología de la Poesía Iberoamericana" (Lord Byron Publications). 6th edition: Nova Poesía Hispanoamericana.
-"Sólo habitando la noche se vence la noche", Lord Byron Publications.
-"Libro de arte euroamericano", Susana D´Momo (Argentina).
He was selected for the publication of the "Antología Española Contemporánea (Poéticas desde la postmodernidad)”, Lord Byron Publications.
2006: Sarmiento Poetry Prize; Sarmiento and Juan de Baños Literary Groups (Valladolid and Palencia). Founder: Andrés Quintanilla Buey. Coordinator: Araceli Sagüillo.
2004: Plastic Arts International Prize, "Valentín Ruiz Aznar" Cultural Association.
2nd prize: Agustín Espina "Pueblo".
2nd prize at "Aires de Córdoba" Plastic Arts International Contest (Painting): Agustín Espina "Minotauro".
2nd prize at the second edition of "Aires de Córdoba" Plastic Arts International Contest (Drawing): Agustín Espina "Luz de Tiniebla".
Accesit: Latin American Art Museum of Miami. Artesanos Art Promotion.
Prize-winner poem: "La Golondrina".
Prize to the best opinion article of the month: "Comunidad literaria, el rincón de los escritores".
"Amizade 2004" Prize, Cuiabá/Brasil. Poetry digital page: http://www.sokarinhos.com.br
-Finalist of "Almafuerte II" Prize (Ed. Bellvigraf) for "El cazo cristalizó" and at the 12th edition of “Editorial Nuevo Ser” Poetry and Narrative International Contest.
-He was nominated as invited artist and writer affiliated to the Record of Creative Authors. Web page: http://agustin-espina.blogspot.com/