Xosé Rosendo Cid Menor

Category: Sculptor


He took a degree in Fine Arts (Sculpture) at Vigo University (June 1999) and did two doctoral courses in Sculpture (2000-2002) at the same university: ‘Conocimiento y produción artística’.
Workshops and artistic courses:
-2003: he was selected for the workshop with Eduardo Arroyo, organised by Unión Fenosa Museum of Contemporary Art (A Coruña, from 4th to 14th August).
-2002: debates celebrated at ARCO 2002 (from 12th to 19th February).
-2001: he was selected for ‘Pablo Ruiz Picasso’ Workshop, given by Martín Chirino and organised by Unión Fenosa Contemporary Art Museum (A Coruña, from 16th to 27th July).
-2000: he was selected for the artistic workshop given by Daniel Canogar (‘Esculpir con la luz’), CGAC, Santiago de Compostela (from 15th to 19th May); ‘En tempo real: A arte mentres ten lugar’, a cycle of lectures given by Luís Seoane Foundation (A Coruña, from 18th to 20th September); ‘La contemporaneidad a debate’, seminars of Menéndez Pelayo International University, Pazo da Cultura (Pontevedra, from 25th to 27th September) and ‘Non artista. Seminario sobre a obra de Marcel Duchamp’, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela (from 28th to 31st May).
1999: ‘Creatividade e vangarda artÌstica para o terceiro milenio’, seminars given by Eugenio Granell Foundation and Santiago de Compostela University (July).
1997: he was selected for the artistic workshop given by Jannis Kounellis, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela (from 27th to 31st January).

He gave the following lectures:
-2001: he gave a lecture about the artist Giovanni Anselmo in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra.
-2000: ‘O espectador protagonista; Il panorama con mano che lo indica’ (a work by Giovanni Anselmo in the funds of the CGAC) and the cycle ‘Visións da colección CGAI. Programa para novos investigadores’.

-2003: he was finalist at the eleventh edition of ‘Rafael Dieste’ Theatre Prize with the work ‘Os Obxectos’, written in Galician.
-2002: he got the ‘Arco’ Scholarship for attending the debates celebrated in ARCO 2002 and was finalist at ‘1º Certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Diputación de Ourense’.
-2002 and 2001: he got grants for the third cycle research, drawn from Vigo University.
-2000: he was awarded the first Theatre Prize of Vigo University with the play ‘Un home e unha muller’.

 Work & Activities

-2004: ‘Aquel consumidor de objetos estéticos’, text for the catalogue of the exhibition of José Carlos Seoane, published by the Cultural Centre of the County Council of Ourense.
-2003: ‘Paraísos imperfectos del objeto artístico’, for the book ‘Resistencia de los objetos (Continuación’. Authors: Mónica Ortázar, Ignacio Barcia and J. Rosendo Cid, in the collection ‘Arte y Estética’, published by the Publication Service of the County Council of Pontevedra.
-‘Interiores de artista’, Revista Auria nº 80.
-‘O deber do arte (Breve proclamación)’, for the catalogue of the 12th International Biennial of Vilanova de Cerveira.
-‘Notas para construír desde a ruína. (Un exercicio multiacróstico)’, for the book of the project ‘Lugares da memoria’, published by the Cultural Centre of Ourense.
-2000: ‘Reflexiones en torno al concepto de boceto’. Revista PSIAX, nº1, a joint edition of Minho University and the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University.
-‘A escultura de Xosé Cid e certas reflexións en canto recepción dunha obra de arte’, for the catalogue of the exhibition of Xosé Cid, published by the Cultural Centre of the County Council of Ourense.
-‘El espectador protagonista’, in ‘A revista do CGAC’, Nº 0, published by the CGAC and the play ‘Un home e unha muller’ within the book ‘Premios 2000 de relato, poesía y teatro da Universidad de Vigo’, Edicións Xerais (Vigo).

-2004: ‘From Vigo to Porto (42 Proyectos y 1 Manifiesto)’, Extéril, Porto (Portugal).
-2001: ‘Huida’, Extéril Gallery, Porto ( Portugal).

-2004: ‘Outono Fotográfico’, (postcard collections), Ourense; ‘Zona de Exclus‡o’, Por Amor ‡ Arte Gallery, Porto – Portugal; selected work for the Plastic Art Contest of the County Council of Ourense, Cultural Centre (Ourense); ‘Zona de Exclus‡o’, Vilanova de Cerveira – Portugal and ‘Taller Pablo Ruiz Picasso’ (Eduardo Arroyo), Mosteiro de Xagoaza, O Barco de Valdeorras (Ourense).
-2003: ‘Arquitrabes’ (Cycle: ‘Malas Artes’), Sala dos Peiraos (Vigo); exhibition of the project ‘Lugares da memoria’, Cultural Centre of the County Council of Ourense, the book was selected for the third edition of ‘Premio Auditorio de Galicia para Jóvenes Artistas’, Auditorium (Santiago de Compostela); ‘Taller Pablo Ruiz Picasso’ (Eduardo Arroyo), Cloister of the City Council of Ortigueira (A Coruña); public participation at the old barracks, Cumial (Ourense) for the project ‘Lugares da Memoria’; he was invited by the Cultural Centre of Ourense for the 12th International Biennial of Vilanova de Cerveira (Portugal); Cultural Centre, Vila Praia de Ancora (Portugal); standing collective work at Unión Fenosa Contemporary Art Museum for ‘Pablo Ruiz Picasso’ Workshop (Eduardo Arroyo), A Coruña; selected works (sculpture and vídeo) in ‘Novos Valores’, Galleries of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Restoration School (Pontevedra); he was selected for the Sixth Pintor Laxeiro Biennial, ‘Ramón María Aller’ Museum, Lalín (Pontevedra) and ‘Artistas da Estéril’, Casa das Artes, Porto (Portugal).
-2002: ‘Plugged/Unpluged’, Young Art Centre (Madrid); ‘VII Feria Internacional, New Art’ (Barcelona); ‘Pequeños formatos’, Visol Gallery (Ourense); ‘Novos Valores’, Edificio Sarmiento (Pontevedra) and finalist work at the First Plastic Art Contest of the County Council of Ourense.
-2001: he was selected for ‘1º Premio Auditorio de Galicia para Novos Valores’, Auditorium (Santiago de Compostela); ‘Extéril na Galería Maus Hábitos’, Porto (Portugal); ‘Taller Pablo Ruiz Picasso’ (Martín Chirino), Estación Marítima (A Coruña); he was selected in ‘Novos valores’, Plastic Art Contest, Galleries of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Restoration School (Pontevedra); ‘Vacío-espeso’, Sargadelos Gallery (Pontevedra) and ‘Trompe-la memorie. Dispositivos de temporalidade e posta en escena’, Luís Seoane Foundation (A Coruña).
-2000: ‘Carta de ajuste’, Bacelos Gallery (Vigo) and collective exhibition at Extéril Gallery, Porto (Portugal).
-1999: ‘Caminos. Amenazas y promesas del arte electrónico’, Casa de las Artes (Vigo); ‘Kaldarte, Intervencións nas rúas’, Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra) and ‘Tenemos línea y vamos para bingo’, exhibition with Daniel Vila, Altercado Gallery (Pontevedra).
-1998: ‘Once Xóvenes Artistas’, San Lorenzo de Carboeiro Centre, Silleda (Pontevedra); ‘Intervenciones Escultóricas en el casco antiguo de Pontevedra’, March 1998, an European project in Faculties of Athenas, Berlin, Bordeaux and Pontevedra and ‘En dez minutos estou lista’, participation in the exhibition hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts (Pontevedra).
-1997: he was selected for the Third Laxeiro Biennial, Municipal Museum, Lalín (Pontevedra).