Xosé Luís Moar Rivera

Pseudonym: Moar
Category: Photographer and documentary maker
Birth Date: 5th October 1946
Birth Place: Viveiro (Lugo)
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Documentary maker and photographer. He is married and has a daughter. When he was young, he worked as operator at 'Orfeo' Cinema in Viveiro. He got in touch with the professional cinema in the 60's during the filming of Fuego by Julio Coll. He collaborated with the filming team to check the shots. In the middle of the 60's he moved to A Coruña, finished his studies (Teaching) and elaborated a project to use teaching cinema. The Institute of Educational Sciences at Santiago University appointed him to a model teaching institution to develop it. He founded the cinematographic group 'Raiola' in 1973 and directed many documentaries. The State Cinematography Office chose him to campaign for initiating cinema for children and young people. Since 1975 he has been giving picture courses for teachers. In 1982, he started to work in video form, making many educational documentaries. In 1985, he began to work in a resource centre dependent on the 'Consellería de Educación' in A Coruña. He studied video production in Madrid and attended many official courses about audiovisual communication. From October 1981 to June 1982, he took part in a course about film and television technology with Vicente Aranda at Santiago University. He works as video documentary maker and 'free lance' photographer.

 Work & Activities

CINEMATOGRAPHIC WORKS: -A rapa de Candaoso. -O desastre do Urquiola. -Como se fan unhas zocas. -A Semana Santa en Viveiro. -O Día das Letras Galegas en Sada. -As Palilleiras. -Estampas Sadenses. -Escola Fogar. -Así es mi colegio. VIDEOGRAPHIC WORKS: -A cría de coellos. -Salvamento no mar (a serial). -A música no preescolar. -A fonte de Castelao. -Galope jets (advertising video). -O neno viaxeiro (traffric education). -Educación especial (a serial). -Certame Internacional de Panxoliñas (TV live). -Xogos populares galegos (a serial). -He took part in the seminar that elaborated the design of the School of Picture and Sound in A Coruña. -He directed TV programmes live (all the editions of the 'Carol Contest' (Certame de Panxoliñas). -Some of his slides illustrate posters, triptyches and programmes for the Holy Week festivity in Viveiro, the craftsmanship exhibition and so forth.

 Other Interesting Aspects

-He is a member of the Institute of Studies of Viveiro (responsible for the Department of Picture and Sound). -First Prize within the first edition of Marine Photography (O Barqueiro - Mañón). - Nowadays, he is a technical adviser at the Secretary's Office in the "Consellería de Educación" of the Xunta de Galicia and carries out his activity in the Galician Pedagogical Museum. As an expert in Audio-visual Communication, he is responsible for the department of documentation and Resources.