Xosé Antonio Pombo Mosquera

Birth Date: In 1953
Birth Place: Olas - Mesía (A Coruña)


He studied Secondary Education in Vilalba (Lugo), where he has been living since 1970 and took a degree in Geography and History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (1972-1977). He began to work as a teacher in 1979 and since 1982 he has been teaching Galician language and literature at different Secondary Schools of Lugo. He directed A Piringalla Secondary School from 1998 to 2000. During his teaching activity, he was the head of the Galician Language and Literature Department and was pedagogical technical adviser of the CEFOCOP of Lugo from 1992 to 1995. From October 2000 to October 2005, he was subdirector general for the promotion and teaching of Galician language (Xunta de Galicia).

 Work & Activities

He participated in many conferences on Galician language and gave basic and advanced courses on Galician language for different associations in Vilalba and Lugo. He also gave training courses for teachers. He is the author of ‘Lingua Galega-2º EXB’ and its correspondent guide (1983) and ‘Lingua Galega – 1º EXB’ and ‘Lingua Galega – 2º EXB’ and their guides (1985). He is also the author of ‘Guía rápida da lingua’, Edicións Xerais (1997).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He participated as prehistorian and archaeologist in many national and international conferences on Galician archaeology. He wrote articles for specialized magazines and collaborated in A prehistoria no noroeste da Terra Cha (Lugo Country Council, 1996).