He studied Philosophy and Law at University in Santiago de Compostela. He worked as a magistrate in Santiago, Lérida, Pontevedra and Oviedo. He did a good work at the Seminary of Galician Studies and went on with the Archaeology and Prehistory section at the Institute ?Padre Sarmiento?.He was a member of the Galician Academy.
His literary contribution is quite important but his best production lies in the scientific field. This investigation included different scopes, which made him one of the biggest experts in contemporary Galician bibliography.He developed a great literary activity in his poetry book Nao Senlleira (Nós, Santiago1933). After the Civil War, he published his second poetry book titled Seitura and a short story titled Cabalgadas en Salnés (A Coruña, 1925). In his poetry there is a rich vocabulary and euphony of words and verses.His bibliography studies over Galician writers in the 19th century are also very important. He wrote Escritos no coleccionados de Rosalía de Castro, El tema rosaliano de negra sombra en la poesía compostelana del siglo XIX, Los Cantares Gallegos o Rosalía y los suyos entre 1860 y 1863, A formazón literaria de Eduardo Pondal e a necesidade dunha revisión dos seus "Queixumes", El ideario político de Murguía and so forth.Together with López Cuevillas, Fermín Bouza Brey can be considered one of the systematizers of our Prehistory. He wrote many articles and books together with Cuevillas such as Bibliografía de Prehistoria Galega (Ourense, 1927), Prehistoria e Folklore da Barbanza (Ourense, 1927), La civilización neo-eneolítica gallega (Madrid, 1931).As far as Epigraphy is concerned we can mention his studies about divinities of the pre-Roman Galician pantheon sus as El ara inédita de la Catedral de Santiago (Santiago, 1952). He also made compositions about Numismatics like Los tesorillos de monedas romanas de Temoedo y Sarandón y su significación histórica en Galicia (Zaragoza, 1955).As far as History is concerned, his investigations focussed on the Germanic period and the gild organization in Galicia during the Middle Ages and also on the history of Galician journalism and printing.He also investigated about Galician pre-Roman, Romanesque and Baroque art.As far as Etnography is concerned, he studied about popular literature in Cancioneiro das ribeiras do Tea (A Coruña, 1929), Cancioneiro popular de Moscoso (Madrid, 1946) . He also gathered about 20,000 proverbs in an unpublished work.
Some of his friends, contributors and followers paid homages to him in Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos (1973) and Compostellanum (1972).The Galician Academy dedicated him ?O Día das Letras Galegas? (The Day of the Galcian Letters) in 1992.