Segundo Leonardo Pérez López

Category: Professor, priest and writer
Birth Date: 8th December 1948
Birth Place: Buriz, Guitiriz (Lugo)
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After studying Secondary Education in Lugo and Philosophy in the Seminary of Mondoñedo and the Pontifical University of Salamanca (he graduated in 1976), he took a degree in Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 1973 and his doctorate degree in 1983. He enjoyed a scholarship to do some research works at ‘Francisco Suárez’ Institute, dependent on the Council of Scientific Investigations (1979-1983) and improved his studies in Rome in the Spanish Centre of Ecclesiastic Studies, annexe to Santiago and Montserrat Church, attending courses in several Roman faculties and as a researcher in the Vatican Record Office (1982-85), where he attended a course on archives. He was ordained as a priest on 27 June 1973 in the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol. He was coadjutor and priest in the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol (1973-78), diocesan delegate of ‘Cáritas’ (1976-78), secretary of the Presbyterian Council (1976-78) and rector of the Hall of Residence of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (1978-84). He is also the rector of the Seminary of Mondoñedo-Ferrol in Santiago de Compostela since 1985 and was a diocesan delegate responsible for Youth (1994-99) and Vocations (1995-99) in Mondoñedo-Ferrol, member of the Presbyterian Council, member of the Council of Consultants, member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council and president of ‘Gabriel Vázquez Seijas’ Foundation. Nowadays, he is responsible for the rural parishes San Pedro de Buriz and San Vicente de Os Vilares in Guitiriz (Lugo). As far as his teaching activity is concerned, he worked as a teacher in a Secondary School of Ferrol (1975-78), Professor of Philosophy and Theology at the ‘Gaudium et Spes’ Theological Institute of Salamanca (1980-84) and assistant Professor of Theology in the Faculty of Theology (Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1979-84). He has been teaching Dogmatic Theology at the Institute of Compostela since 1984 and also working as a Professor at the Institute of Religious Sciences since 1999, at the Theology Diocesan School for laymen of Mondoñedo-Ferrol and the Centre of Theological Formation for the Laity in Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Pontevedra. He has been directing the Theological Institute of Compostela since 1999 and directed the Institute of Religious Sciences of Compostela from 1999 to 2003.

 Work & Activities

He is the author of the following publications: La Iglesia de Galicia en los sínodos pretridentinos (Salamanca, 1983), Pilar Silva: cristiana para el siglo XXI (Salamanca, 1997), Ser cristiano en el siglo XXI. Reflexiones sobre el cristianismo que viene (Salamanca, 2001), Sínodos mindonienses dos séculos XVI e XVII (Santiago de Compostela, 2001), Gabriel Vázquez Seijas: memoria de vida (Ferrol, 2001), El Monasterio de la Concepción de Viveiro (Salamanca, 2001), Testigos de la fe en la Diócesis de Mondoñedo (Salamanca, 2003), La Iglesia en la Galicia bajomedieval (Salamanca, 2003), O Buriz, Anacos da Memoria. Instituto Teolóxico Compostelán (Santiago de Compostela, 2008) and A escola habanera dos Vilares (Guitiriz), Instituto Teolóxico Compostelán (Santiago de Compostela, 2008). Besides, he has written articles for the following works and magazines: ‘Revista Española de Derecho Canónico’, ‘Revista Española de Teología’, ‘Estudios Mindonienses’, ‘Encrucillada’, ‘Gran Encliclopedia Gallega’, ‘Diccionario de Catequética’, ‘Boa Nova’, ‘Lumieira’, ‘Compostelanum’... He has given lectures all over Spain and Portugal and directed retreat for priests, seminarians, members of religious orders and laymen.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is the presidente of the 'Academia Auriense-Mindoniense de San Rosende'. He is a member of the editorial staff of 'Corintios XIII' (Cáritas Española).
On 5th January 2013, he was elected dean of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.