Roberto Nóvoa Santos

Category: Doctor, professor and writer
Birth Date: 8th July 1885 (†9th December 1933)
Birth Place: A Coruña

He studied Medicine at Santiago University. In 1907, he took his degree and some years later his doctor's degree. In 1910, he returned to A Coruña and worked as a doctor on guard at the Charity Hospital, without earning any money. In 1911, he became an assistant lecturer of General Pathology in the Faculty of Medicine at Santiago de Compostela University and got that professorship in Madrid one year later. In 1928, he travelled to Cuba, where he gave several lectures and when he returned, he became a Professor of Pathology at Madrid University. In 1932, he travelled to Argentina, where he gave lectures organised by the Spanish Cultural Institute.

 Work & Activities

These are some of the most important books and essays he published: Patología general, Sobre la evolución química del sistema nervioso y sobre el substrato material del alma, Physis y Psyquis, El instinto de la muerte, La mujer, nuestro sexto sentido y otros esbozos, Significación y devenir del sexo, La Santa Compaña (short novel) and La indigencia espiritual del sexo femenino (written after an unhappy love affair).

 Other Interesting Aspects

During the Second Republic, he was elected a Member of Parliament in A Coruña.