Ricardo Polín

Category: Philologist and writer
Birth Place: Castroverde (Lugo)
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He is a Professor of Language and Literature Didactics in the Campus of Lugo (University of Santiago) and also teaches Galician Language and Literature in a Secondary School. He is the author of many studies on Galician literature history, textual criticism and edition of old texts. He is an expert on Galician and Portuguese medieval poetry and the Old Route to Santiago, first Jacobean route across Lugo.

 Work & Activities

He was awarded the doctorate prize for his work O derradeiro século da lírica medieval galego-portuguesa (Madrid, 1954, five volumes), Galicia Criticism Prize for Cancioneiro galego-castelán. Corpus lírico da Decadencia (1350-1450) (Do Castro Publications, 1997), Ánxel Fole Literary Prize for A poesía de Codeseira (Lugo, 1997) and the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Culture for A muller tradicional (Xerais, Vigo, 1996). Besides, he is the author of O costumismo decimonónico galego (Madrid, 1989), A víspora de San Xoán en Montecubeiro e outros poema galegos (Lugo, 1992), A poesía lírica galego-castelá (1350-1450) (University of Santiago, 1994), As cantigas mariñas no país de Breogán (O Castro, 2000), Homes do país (Xerais, Vigo, 2000), A primeira luzada. Obras completas de Francisco de Fientosa (edition, study and notes) (Do Castro Publications, 2003), Folla bricia. Poesía galega completa de Xosé Crecente Vega. Edición crítica e estudio (Xunta de Galicia, 2003) and Camiño a Lugo. Guía histórica e cartográfica do Camiño Primitivo de Santiago na urbe e señorío lucenses (A Nosa Terra, 2004).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He published many articles in specialised magazines, both on history and medieval Philology and articles on the poetry of dead or forgotten poets from the ‘Terra Cha’.