He studied Secondary Education at Tirso de Molina School in Ferrol (1945-1952). He took a degree and a doctor’s degree in Law at the University of Salamanca (1952-1958). He was a Professor of Political Law at the Universities of Oviedo and Alcalá de Henares as well at the Spanish Open University and Complutense University (1976-2005). Together with E. Tierno Galván, he was the founder and general secretary of the ‘Partido Socialista Popular’ up to 1978 and deputy (1977-1979). He held the following offices: chancellor of Menéndez y Pelayo University (1980-1983), Spanish ambassador in the UNESCO (1983-1985), deputy in the European Parliament (1987-1994), Spanish ambassador in Lisbon (1995-1999) and Spanish ambassador in Venezuela (2004 - ).
He wrote ‘El federalismo y el federalismo europeo’, Tecnos (1965), ‘Los partidos políticos en Chile’, Taurus (1970), ‘Estudios de pensamiento político’, with Tierno Galván (1976), ‘Los orígenes ideológicos del franquismo’, Alianza Editorial, 2nd ed. (1985), ‘Por una sociedad democrática avanzada’ (1982), ‘Tierno Galván y otros precursores políticos’, El País (1987), ‘Teatro de liberación: Alberti, García Lorca, Sartre’, Girol (1989), ‘La transición política’, reed., Tecnos (1994), ‘Atando cabos (Memorias)’, Taurus (2001) and ‘Fernando Pessoa y las revoluciones nacionales’, Biblioteca Nueva (2005).