As a civil servant of the Post Service, he lived in Villaviciosa (Asturias) and A Rúa de Valdeorras (Ourense) and has been living in Vigo for seventeen years.
He began to write in Spanish and since the mid 90’s he has written in Galician. He has published poems in several literary magazines: Aguamarina, Aquiana, Arboleda, Brisa, Clarín, Cuadernos de Poesía Nueva, El Parnaso, Galicia en Madrid, Gemma, Nirvana Populi, Peliart, Primacía, Orchilla, Temas de Asturias, Trébede...
He participated in “Encontros de Poetas Valdeorreses” for several years in O Barco de Valdeorras and A Rúa de Valdeorras.
He spent over ten years without writing but he took it up again about four years ago.
“Como una lluvia” (poetry book), 1990.
"Territorios estraños", 2013.
-“II Certamen de Poesía Orchilla”, second prize (1988)
-“XI Certamen de Poesía Feliciano Rolán”, second prize, A Garda (1997) with the poem “Houbo un tempo en que fomos nenos”.
-“I Certamen de Poesía Manuel Leiras Pulpeiro”, second prize, Mondoñedo (2012) with “Cicatrices do insomnio”.
-“XVIII Certamen Literario Manuel-Oreste Rodríguez López”, first prize, Paradela (2013) with the poem “Conta atrás”.
-He won the sixth edition of Victoriano Taibo Poetry Contest with the book “Territorios estraños”, Gondomar (2013).
-He is included in “Antología de Poetas Españoles e Hispanoamericanos de Hoy, Tomo V”, Barcelona (1987), “Poesía Galicia. Antología 1990”, “Versos y Voces de Prometeo, Volumen 1”, Madrid (1991), “Antología: Los Nuevos Poetas”, Barcelona (1994) and “Cancionero General de Prometeo”, Madrid (1994).