Miro Casabella

Category: Musician
Birth Date: In 1946
Birth Place: Ferreira do Valadouro (Lugo)

He is considered to be the most outstanding Galician singer-songwriters and formed part of ‘Voces Ceibes’ (1968-1975). He has performed all around Galicia, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid, Valencia, etc… as well as in Germany, France, Belgium and Canada.
The poems Miro Casabella set to music go beyond those hat had the fortune to be recorded. Miro Casabella’s song book offers a complete journey throughout Galician literature: medieval song books (Don Dinís, Airas Nunes, Alfonso X, Martín Códax…), popular ballads (“de amor”, “de don Gaiferos de Mormaltán”, “de dona Eusenda”, “das tres comadres”…), poetry from the 19th century (Rosalía) and from the 20th (Ramón Cabanillas, Luís Pimentel, Celso Emilo Ferreiro, Manuel María, Uxío Novoneira, Salvador García Bodaño, Bernardino Graña, Marica Campo…) and his own compositions “Romance de Castrelo de Miño”, “Soia” and “No desterro” as well.

 Work & Activities

1. Miro canta as súas canciós (EP, Edigsa/Xistral, 1968).
2. Miro canta cantigas de escarnho e maldizer (EP. Edigsa/Xistral, 1969).
3. Miro Casabella: Coma os vellos troveiros / O meu país (Single, EMI, 1971).
4. Ti, Galiza (LP, Ariola, Serie Pauta, 1977).
5. Treboada (LP, Ariola, serie Pauta, 1978).
6. O son da estrela escura. Grupo Doa. Clave Records, Madrid (1979).
7. Orvallo (Picap, 2004).