She graduated at CASAHAMLET School in A Coruña (2001), directed by Manuel Lourenzo and Santiago Fernández and attended a postgraduate course, specialising in Dramatic Art at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2003-2004). Besides, she improved her studies with the following courses:
-2004: ‘Commedia dell’Arte’ with Claudia Contín and Ferruccio at Festiclown (Santiago de Compostela), ‘Clown’ with John Wright at Festiclown and ‘O Actor e a Camara’ with Sandra Montes at Santart School in Santiago de Compostela.
-2003: ‘O actor e a actriz como eixo fundamental do teatro’ with Berta Ojea at the Comic Theatre International Festival of Cangas, ‘V Encuentros en el norte- Infesto. La acción necesaria’ with Etelvino Vázquez and ‘Teatro del Norte’ and ‘Clown’ with Theatre Organic at the Clown International Festival of Andorra.
-2002: ‘Commedia Dell’Arte’ with Antonio Fava, ‘A Voz en Acción’ with Vicente Fuentes and ‘Técnicas de clown e de commedia dell’Arte’ with Carlo Colombaioni.
-2001: ‘Bufón’, with Eric de Bont, ‘Acciones Físicas’ with Isabel Ubeda (ODIN TEATRE), ‘Malabares: técnicas, matemáticas...’ with MALABARANDA, ‘Na Búsqueda da identidade cómica’ with Leo Bassi, ‘Clown para profesionales’ with Eric de Bont, ‘Teatro de Rúa’ with Joan Serrat, ‘Esgrima para actores’ with Carlos Vizcaíno (CASAHAMLET), ‘Commedia dell’Arte’ with Theodor Smeu (CASAHAMLET) and ‘Perfeccionamiento de clown’ with Pablo Muñoz and Jons Pappila.
-2000: ‘Máscara Neutra’ with Mar Navarro and Andrés Hernández, ‘Iniciación ó Clown’ with Pablo Muñoz and Jons Papila and ‘Danza e Expresión Corporal’ with Mita Adriana Beutel.
-1999: a course on improvisation with Theodor Smeu.
-1998: a course on performance and classic verse with Manuel Lourenzo and Santiago Fernández and ‘Teatro en Verso’ with Cándido Pazó.
-1996: a course on performance and body language with Manuel Vieites.
-1995: a course on body language with Chedes Suárez.
-1994-95: a course on performance with Andrés Pazos.
As far as theatre is concerned, she participated in the following theatre companies and performances:
-2004: the clown performance ‘Où va la lumière quand il fait noir?’ with THEATRE ORGANIC (France), written and directed by Sophie Gazel.
-2003: ‘Os vellos non deben de namorarse’ by Castelao and ‘A Gran Ilusión’ by Eduardo de Filippo with TEATRO DO MORCEGO, directed by Celso Parada.
-2002: ‘O Principiño’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry with NINGURES PRODUCCIÓNS, directed by Salvador del Río; ‘Tanis I O Mocos’ by Manuel Lourenzo González with PRODUCCIÓNS DESAQUELOUTRADAS, directed by Angel Monteagudo and ‘Manicomio só para clowns’ with OS SETE MAGNÍFICOS MÁIS UN, directed by Carlo Colombaioni.
-2001: the clown performances ‘Cousas de mulleres’ and ‘Ula- praia’ with OS SETE MAGNÍFICOS MAIS UN, directed by Good Idea Company and Iván Prado, respectively and ‘As cincentas desclowntroladas’ with DOUS SON COMPAÑÍA, directed by Good Idea Company.
-2000: ‘A Orestiada’ by Esquilo and ‘A Doncela Guerreira’ by Rafael Dieste with CASAHAMLET, directed by Theodor Smeu Stermin and Manuel Lourenzo, respectively and the dramatic reading of ‘A Noite vai coma un río’ by Álvaro Cunqueiro and ‘A Pousadeira’ by Carlo Goldoni.
As far as audiovisual is concerned, she participated in a spot for Froiz Supermarket Chain and an advertising video about renewable energies with ADIVINA PRODUCCIONES (2000), in some episodes of the TV serial ‘Nada es para siempre’ (audiovisual voice, 1999) and in the short ‘Clara e Mario’ (2004).