María Canosa Blanco

Category: Writer
Birth Date: 20th August 1978
Birth Place: Cee (A Coruña)

She studied Civil Engineering but she was always linked to Arts. She took the Galician Language Certificate at the Language School.

 Work & Activities

LITERARY ACTIVITIES: 1993. She enjoyed a scholarship for literary creation (Consellería de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia) for “A pedra de seixo”. 1993. She enjoyed a scholarship for literary creation (Consellería de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia) for “Unha físgoa de esperanza”. 1995. She participated in the round-table conference “Os xoves escritores” in Narón. 1998. She made a speech at Eugenio López Shool, Cee. 1998. She gave a lecture about Children’s Literature at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in A Coruña. 1998. She gave a lecture about Feminine Literature in the Faculty of Philology in A Coruña. 1999. She participated in the Conferences on Reading Promotion, Agra de Raíces Secondary School (Cee). 2000. She made a speech at Sagrado Corazón School in Ferrol. 2000. She made a speech at San Crimenzo School in O Pindo. 2002. She gave a lecture about Feminine Literature in the Faculty of Philology in A Coruña. 2000-2001-2003-2004. She participated as a rapporteur in “Campaña Fomento da Lectura” e “Os nosos escritores”, Consellería de Cultura (Xunta de Galicia). 2004. She participated as a rapporteur in “IV Xornadas de Normalización Lingüística”. 2006. She participated as a rapporteur in “II Simposio Letras na Raia”, organized by the Association of Writers in Galician Language. She has been writing a daily article in La Voz de Galicia since July 2006. She also collaborates in weekly radio talk shows in Radio Galega and Radio Voz.

She wrote:

1997. Bramido Maino (Edicións do Castro).

1997-2000. A pedra de seixo (Sotelo Blanco).

1999. Á espreita na penumbra (Sotelo Blanco).

2002. Leo era un león (Ir Indo).

2006. As tartarugas de verán (Biblos-Difusión).

2009. Faíscas (Editorial Galaxia).

2009. Entre papoulas (Everest).

2010. Matías, un pito de campionato (Galaxia).

2010. Do A ao Z con Neira Vilas (Everest).

2011. O papaventos de Laura (2011. Ourense County Council. Pura e Dora Vázquez Prize, 2010.)

2011. A tartaruga de Martiño (Everest).

2011. El Cascanueces (Editor: Pablo Zaera).

2011. O Crebanoces (Editor: Pablo Zaera.

2011. Ronca o mar (Edicións Fervenza. Avelina Valladares Poetry Prize 2011).

She is a joint author of:

1988. Revista Nenas. Festa da Palabra Silenciada.

1990-1992. Revista Xermolos.

1992. “Contos dos nenos” (ONCE).

1995. “Dezaseis relatos” (Pontedeume).

1997. “O trasno rebuldeiro”, Antoloxía de literatura infantil (Asociación Neria. Costa da Morte).

1997. “Rumbo ás illas”.

1997. Nós. Batallón Literario da Costa da Morte.

1999. “Mini-relatos”. Librería Cartabón.

2000. “Narradoras”. Edicións Xerais.

2000. “Relatos de verán”. Ir Indo.

2001. “Achegamento ó Libro”.

2005. “Lecturas de aquí e acolá 3º”. Santillana.

2005. “Lecturas de aquí e acolá 4º”. Santillana.

2006. “San Xoán” (Carballo).

 Other Interesting Aspects


O Facho Cultural Association, A Coruña: 1986: Children’s stories (second prize). 1987: Children’s stories (first prize). 1988: Children’s stories (first prize). 1989: 1 Children’s stories (first prize). 1990: Children’s stories (second prize). 1991: Children’s stories (second prize). 1992: Children’s stories (second prize). Xermolos Cultural Association, ‘Certame Literario Terra Cha’: 1989: Poetry (third prize). 1990: Narrative (first prize). 1991: Narrative (first prize) and Poetry (third prize). 1992: Narrative (first prize) and Poetry (honourable mention). Terra de Sena Cultural Association, ‘Certame Letras Galegas’: 1990: Narrative (first prize). 1991: Narrative (first prize). 1992: Narrative (first prize) and Poetry (first prize). Agra de Raíces Secondary School: 1989: Narrative (first prize). 1990: Poetry (first prize). 1991: Poetry (second prize). 1993: Narrative (second prize) and Narrative (second prize). 1994: Narrative (second prize), Narrative (third prize) and Poetry (third prize). 1995: Narrative (consolation prize) and Letter (first prize). Rúa Nova, Narrative for youth: 1993. Honourable mention. 1995. Honourable mention. OTHER PRIZES: 1995. “Concurso de Contos Vila de Pontedeume” (honourable mention). 1993. Francisco Fernández del Riego Contest (poetry, honourable mention). 1992. She was awarded the first prize for a joint research work in a Reading Promotion Contest organized by the Bookseller’s Federation. 1992. “Achegamento ao Libro da Biblioteca Pública de Cee” (narrative prize). 1992. She was awarded the second prize at the Story Contest organized by the ONCE. 1991. “Día das Letras Galegas” (Corcubión) narrative and poetry first prize. 1989. “II Feira do Libro de Cee” (narrative first prize).