Manuel Suárez Varela

Pseudonym: Nolo Suárez
Category: Artist
Birth Date: 12th October 1953
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


He studied at 'Mestre Mateo' School and attended courses on drawing, painting and engraving.

 Work & Activities

Since the 80's, he has carried out many individual and collective exhibitions in galleries, art rooms, pubs, etc. has exposed in the pubs: 'Modus Vivendi', 'Paraíso Perdido', 'As Crechas', 'Curruncho', 'Patacós'... He has also exhibited his works in the following exhibition rooms: 'Caixa Postal Ateneo' (Ourense and Vigo), Culture Centres in Noia, Malpica, Oleiros, Fisterra and Corcubión, 'Museo do Pobo Galego', 'Ramón Aller' Museum, 'Sotelo Blanco Foundation'... and in the art galleries 'Arracada', 'Trinta', 'Sargadelos', 'Dársena', 'Obelisco', 'Citania'... He has carried out the following exhibitions: 'A memoria do tempo', 'Pontes, ríos, muíños', 'Dende o mar', 'Costa da Morte', 'Faros, Mar, Torres no Ar', 'Escrita na pintura', 'Música na Pintura', 'Compostela', 'Auga e pedra', 'Humidades Pétreas', 'Reflexións na Paisaxe', 'Presencia Animal', 'Arredor do Barro', 'Arredor da auga', 'Terra, Auga, Luz, Ar', 'As 4 estacións', 'Referentes', 'Rotacións', 'Achegamentos', 'Fragmentos', 'Traer o mar a Compostela' and 'Entre augas'.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He participates in several art and cultural associations such as 'Anduriña', 'Anakos' and 'O Galo'.