Manuel Pérez Fafián

Birth Date: 1902 ( † 1989)
Birth Place: Santa Baia de Camba, Rodeiro

He studied Secondary Education in Ourense. He worked as a lawyer and judge in Monterroso (Lugo), O Carballiño (Ourense), Olmedo (Valladolid) and Falset (Tarragona).


 Work & Activities

He was also interested in agriculture. In the early 60’s he built one of the first stables in Pontevedra (Casa-Fortaleza de Camba, Rodeiro – Pontevedra) for Friesian cattle

He compiled unpublished data about Casa-Fortaleza de Camba, which were published after his death (1989) in ‘Historia de la Casa Fortaleza de Camba’ (Pontevedra County Council, 1999).

He was also interested in the castro culture of Rodeiro. He was a good friend of José Filgueira Valverde, the creator of Pontevedra’s Museum.