His originality is based on his peculiar personality and odd clothing. His love for Mondoñedo and his imagination make his bookshop be a permanent 'museum' devoted to spread the culture of Mondoñedo. The poet Manuel María dedicated this loving sonnet to him: "¿Quen fun ermo fai xardín,/ un océano dun regueiro,/ unha serra dun outeiro/ e un mundo de Pelourín...?/ ¿Quen me iba dicir a min/ que un mindoniense libreiro/iba inspirar a Cunqueiro/as historias de Merlín...?/ E este Merlín singular/--Manuel Montero por nome--/antes que mago é un home./ E ten, na ollada, a brillar/¡unha febre que o consome/ nun alto e puro soñar...!/
In 1991, the year dedicated to Álvaro Cunqueiro, Manolo Montero paid him an homage exhibiting photographs, books and mementoes of the writer, who was his friend and found inspiration in him to write his book about the magician Merlin. Many homages to other important people of our culture were celebrated in other occasions. Manolo Montero is constantly looking for graphic, historical, artistic and literary values to exhibit in his bookshop, otherwise they would be hidden.