He took a degree in Economical and Business Sciences at Santiago University and a doctor's degree in Economy at Vigo University. Since 1990, he has been Professor of the Applied Economy department at Vigo University. In 1993, he was invited as research worker by the Institute of Forest Economy at Fribourg University (Germany) and by the Institute of Environmental Economy at Gotinga University (Germany) in 1995.He took part in research projects, subsidized by the Xunta de Galicia, Vigo University and a combined Hispanic-German action with the Institute of Forest Economy in Fribourg.
He wrote the chapter of the forest sector in the annual report of Galician Economy, which is published every year by 'Caixa Galicia' Foundation and Santiago University.He wrote many articles that were published in magazines such as 'Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales', 'Revista Galega de Economía', 'Economía y Sociología', 'Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge-AFZ', 'Cooperativismo y Economía Social', 'Portuguese Economic Journal', 'Montes', 'di Economía', 'Agricultura y Ambiente', 'Revista Valenciana de Hacienda Pública Palau 14', 'Montes, Ciudad y Territorio', 'Estudios Territoriales' and 'Revista de estudios de Economía Aplicada'.He presented reports in several meetings of the Spanish Association of Regional Science, the Forest Congress, the Congress of Galician Economy, National Congress about Environment, the Ninth European Congress of Agricultural Economists, Third Seminar on Environmental and Resource Economics, 24th Symposium of Economical Analysis, Second Congress of Applied Economy, Fifth Galician Congress of new research workers in economical analysis, Seventh Congress of Public Economy, International Scientific Congress of Environment-21st century and International Kongress Landschaftsplanning in Europa. He was invited as rapporteur in summer courses, meetings and technical congresses about the forest sector and environment. He wrote a chapter for the book Manual de Gestión Medioambiental (Ariel, 1997) and another one for Economía Ambiental e Sociedade, published by the 'Consello da Cultura Galega'. He is the author of the book As funcións sociais do monte en Galicia. Unha perspectiva económica, published by the publication service of the County Council Offices of Pontevedra. Together with other authors, he collaborated in the book Costes y Beneficios de la intervención pública en el Parque de las Illas Cíes en Galicia, published by 'Barrié de la Maza-Banco Pastor' Foundation.