Luis López Pombo

Pseudonym: Pombo
Category: Writer
Birth Date: 11th May 1957
Birth Place: As Nogais (Lugo)
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When he was seventeen he moved to Lugo with his family, where he studied and worked.

 Work & Activities

He wrote the following books: "O Cebreiro. Apuntes Históricos e Documentais", 1st Edition, 2013; Concello de As Nogais, Pedrafita do Cebreiro y Triacastela. Un recorrido por sus parroquias; O Courel y su comarca. Su historia, sus personajes, sus gentes; Municipio de Negueira de Muñiz; Municipio de Ourol. Un recorrido por sus parroquias and Castro de Rei. Historia, Arte y Patrimonio.

He also published articles in several Galician and national bulletins and magazines. Together with other authors, he wrote the supplements of the magazine 'Revista Lucus', dedicated to O Saviñao and O Incio (Lugo). He also wrote the following books: Origen del Apellido Pombo, en la provincia de Lugo, así como otros apuntes sobre el mismo. He also published Hidalgos y Casas Señoriales de la Provincia de Lugo, Ayuntamientos de As Nogais, Pedrafita de Cebreiro y Triacastela, La Encomienda de Quiroga y sus Documentos. 1186-1831, Temas lucenses. Escudos de Lugo. La ciudad de Lugo según el Catastro de Ensenada, 1753. O Incio. Historia, arte y patrimonio. He is about to publish Lucenses de cuna o de vínculo. Biografías y genealogías.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got 'Vila de Samos' Journalism Prize and was awarded a diploma and plaque in the City Council of Ourol (Lugo). He also got the distinction 'Milagrosista 1995'. Since 22nd June 2004, he has been a member of the Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy, at the proposal of Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés, Javier Gómez de Olea y Bustinza, head of publications in the academy and José Miguel de Mayoralgo y Lodo, secretary. He is the provincial delegate of the Galician Association of Heraldic and Aristocratic Genealogy.