He studied Literature at Salamanca University. In 1943, he began to teach Literature at 'Masculino' Secondary Education in Lugo. He participated in the literary gatherings of several intellectuals from Lugo such as Luis Pimentel, Celestino Fernández de la Vega or Ánxel Fole. In 1955, he got a post as an inspector of Secondary Education. He married Mª Teresa López-Pardo Montero and had three children.
He wrote articles on literary criticism and theatre plays such as Doña Fermosa and Los hijos de Alvargonzález. Besides, he wrote the travelbooks Por la ruta del Quijote, Tierras de Santa Teresa, Por tierras lusitanas, Ruta del Cid, Ruta de los Conquistadores and A Santiago en Año Santo. In 1990, he published Memorias de un don Nadie ('El Castro' Publications).