Juan Rof Carballo

Category: Doctor, writer
Birth Date: in 1905 (†11th October 1994)
Birth Place: Lugo

When he was five years old, his family moved to A Coruña. He studied Secondary Education there and then moved to Santiago, where he studied Medicine at University. He finished his studies in different European cities such as Viena, Colonia, Copenhague, París... Dr Rof Carballo met a Hungarian girl, called Olga, at a hospital in Viena, whom he married to shortly after. Towards 1938 he came back to Spain and worked in several hospitals. He was a member of the Spanish Language Academy and the Medicine Academy.

 Work & Activities

Dr Rof Carballo published the first book in Castilian language about Psychosomatic Pathology in 1949. He also wrote other books such as El hombre a prueba. Cerebro interno y mundo emocional, Cerebro interno y sociedad, Disproteinemias, Entre el silencio y la palabra, Urdidumbre afectiva y enfermedad, Medicina y actividad creadora, Violencia y ternura, Biología y psicoanálisis, Teoría práctica y psicoanalítica... In Galician language he also wrote the book libro Mito e realidade da terra nai, which consists of four essays titled Os demos do Bosco, O problema do sedutor en Kierkegard, Proust e Rilke, A Santa Compaña and Mito e realidade da terra nai. He also wrote another essay in Galician language titled Os mitos celtas e a personalidade galaica.