He took a degree in Information Sciences (Journalism section) at 'Complutense' University (Madrid) and became a civil servant of the public Administration. He filled several offices at the Institute of Radio and TV in Madrid, the newspapers La Voz de Galicia and El Ideal Gallego as well as in the Regional TV Centre in Santiago. Nowadays, he is the head of the Culture, Press and Communication Service and head of the Service of Protocol and Public Relations in the City Council of Lugo and president of the Association of Experts on Protocol in Lugo. He is a foundation member of the Galician Association of Experts on Protocol and Public and Institutional Relations. He took part as rapporteur in several courses on Protocol and Public Relations and edited the magazines 'Lucus Lucus' and Palacio do Rei). He worked as a teacher at the School of Civil Servants of the Galician Autonomous Administration and at the first and second course on video film production and realisation (County Council of Lugo). He is a TV and cinema director and collaborated in Galician media.
He wrote the following books: Apuntes para la Historia de la prensa en Galicia en el siglo XIX; Lugo y su provincia; Foz, guía de interés general; Burela, guía turística and Xove, guía de interés general.
He likes cinema and mountain bike.