1968-1977. A. Suances School (Pontevedra)
1977-1979: Sagrado Corazón de Jesús School (Pontevedra), administrative assistant.
2007. Courses on Emotional Intelligence.
2008. Course on prevention of voice pathologies.
2009. Body language, art and child education...
2009. Methodology of child education.
2013. Course on mythology for enterprising people.
-Speaker in La Salle College.
-Closing of conferences.
-Closing of event with “queimada” and “conxuro”.
-Coordinator of educational projects for cultural management companies.
-Delegate of “Rising Culture”.
-Cofounder of “Meridianos y Paralelos, coaching educativo”.
-Adviser of “Ranopla” (reading promotion platform)
-FERE – “Estrategias para contar cuentos. Aprende a vivir con cuentos”.
-Reading promotion for families, Valdemoro (Madrid)
-Lectures in the Faculty of Economy (University of Vigo), Galician assistantship (Freie Universität Berlin), Galician assistantship (University of Heidelberg), Faculty of Philology (UCM), Faculty of Education (UCM) and La Salle College.
FERE – Speaker at the course on reading promotion: La Milagrosa School; Dulce Nombre de Jesús School; Santa Ana y San Rafael School and Pías School.
FESIE – Reading project: Ntra. Sra. de la Natividad School.
EDEBE – Educational Promotion Department – Speaker in these courses: “El mundo de los cuentos” and “Pensamiento, fantasía y creatividad”.
CEPAL – Speaker in the course “El cuento como recurso en el aprendizaje”: Hélade School, Trinity School; EI Chiquitin; EI Burbujas and Valdeluz School.
-Tomillo Foundation: Reading promotion for parents.
-FERE Madrid: Speaker in “A todo color”, a didactic project for Secondary Education and “Aula Kueñ Foas” Project.
-FERE Spain: Speaker in the Fifth Conference for School Guidance Counselors (Energy Program) and in the Conference on Special Education and Integration.
-CAP Alcorcón: Speaker in the seminar “Cuentos y Valores”.
-Stories for adults, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), invited by SM and Mary Collins.
-Workshop for mothers and babies, Book Fair (Valladolid)
-Presenter at the “VI Festival de Cuentacuentos de Rivas Vaciamadrid”
-“Escuela Integradora”: Reading promotion workshop, Spanish-Colombian Centre.
-Reading promotion workshops (“La Familia Cuenta” Programme), Villaviciosa de Odón.
-Cultural Programme: Stories in the prisons of Navalcarnero and Pontevedra.
-Promotion of the exhibition “Juan Farias” for schools, Coliseo de la Cultura, Villaviciosa de Odón.
-Reading promotion with all the publishing houses in Spain.
-Stories, speeches and workshops for children and adults in books shops in Spain, Dominican Republic and Germany.