José María Pena López

Category: Writer and professor
Birth Date: 10th September 1942
Birth Place: Pontevedra

He got a degree in Law at Salamanca University and his doctor's degree at Bologna University (Italy). He directed the Private Law Department at A Coruña University (1991-99). Nowadays, he fills the office of dean in the Faculty of Law at this University. After a public competition to become an assistant lecturer at University, he worked at Zaragoza and Salamanca Universities and the Autonomous of Madrid. In 1991, he was appointed to the Civil Law Professorship in the Faculty of Law (A Coruña) up to now.

 Work & Activities

He directs a big group of researchers and was responsible for the research project 'Autonomía Privada y Responsabilidad Civil' (Private Autonomy and Civil Responsibility), financed by A Coruña University. Nowadays, he directs the project 'La tutela jurídica de los bienes de la personalidad', financed by the Xunta de Galicia. Monographs: La acción subrogatoria: Finalidad y consideración de su naturaleza como aspecto de un derecho real de garantía, Cáceres, 1977. Concepto del Derecho Real, Santiago, 98. Comments on laws: Comment on the first, second and third articles of the Galician Civil Law. Comments on the Civil Law and compilations about the 'fueros'. Articles: La nulidad del laudo extemporáneo, (1989), Sobre el fundamento legal del carácter cogente de la norma contravenida para los supuestos de nulidad de pleno derecho del art. 6.32.C.C. (1990), Precisiones complementarias para la aplicación del Derecho civil gallego a la luz de la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional, (1994), La historicidad del Derecho civil, (1995), El alcance del error de Derecho en el art. 6.1 del C.C., (1995), Consideración del Derecho común. El sistema autónomo de Derecho Común gallego (1995), Ámbito del Derecho foral, con particular consideración del ámbito territorial y material del Derecho foral gallego (1995). He was chosen to direct and coordinate the concordance of the laws of Galician Civil Law, published by Aranzadi in 1995. In 1999, he took paart as rapporteur in the lecture La costumbre: su pueblo in the congress of Galician Procedural Law that took place in the FAculty of Law in A Coruña. He also prologued the monographs corresponding to the doctoral theses he directed: La función social de la propiedad en la Constitución española de 1978,(Rafael Colina Garea); La antijuridicidad del daño resarcible en la responsabilidad civil extracontractual (José Manuel Busto Lago); Cláusulas restrictivas de la responsabilidad civil,(Natalia Álvarez Lata); La responsabilidad civil derivada de los daños ecasionados al derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar y a la propia imagen,(María Rovira Sueiro); La culpabilidad en la responsabilidad civil extracontractual, (Fernando Peña López).