José Vilas took his doctor's degree in Law and Political Science at Santiago University. In 1968, he got a grant from the French Government and from the Spanish Government in 1974.During the period 1990-91 he directed the department 'University government's theory'.He took up the post of dean at the Faculty of Economical Sciences (from 1984 to 1986) and the Faculty of Political Sciences (from 1991 to 1996) at Santiago University.He made a speech to open the academic year 1995-96 at Santiago University. He also gave lectures at different institutions both in Spain and abroad (Germany, Italy...). He usually collaborated in different newspapers, especially in El Correo Gallego. Before working at University, he worked as secretary at the local civil service.
These are some of his most important works: -O Estatuto Galego. A Coruña (Ed. do Rueiro, 1975).-Ideología y periodización del diferencialismo gallego.-Ideología y sociedad en la España Contemporánea. (Madrid,1977).-Dende Galicia Mar (con C. Barros) Sada, Ed. do Castro, 1985.-Las elecciones en Galicia, 1976-1991, Barcelona, ICPS,1992.-O Sistema Político Galego (with R. Maiz et al.), Vigo, Ed. Xerais, 1994.-Introducción a la Ciencia Política, Santiago, Tórculo, 1994.-Las organizaciones de partido. Santiago University, 1995.-Las ideologías en la Constitución, in E. Álvarez Conde.-Administraciones Públicas y Constitución, INAP 1998.-Gobierno y Administración en Galicia, in J. L. Paniagua. -Gobierno y Administración en las CC.AA., Tecnos, 2000.