Ignacio López Arias

Category: Painter
Birth Date: En 1959
Birth Place: Grolos, Guntín (Lugo)
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2000-2002: Graduate in Engraving, Serigraphy and Book Architecture, Ramón Falcón Art School (Lugo).

2002-2007: Degree in Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts (Pontevedra – University of Vigo) and CAP (Course on pedagogical ability), University of Santiago.

Nowadays he combines his activity as a painter with his job as a teacher or art at Fingoi School in Lugo.

 Work & Activities

2009-2010: “Cores da Historia en Lugo” (collective exhibition), Uxío Novoneyra (Lugo).

-Autumn Salon (collective exhibition), Sarria – Paris.

-“Incisións”, Pazo de San Marcos (Lugo).

-Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Cervo (From 16th June to 12th July 2009).

-Gallery of Forte San Damián, Ribadeo (From 17th July to 12th August 2009).

-Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Burela (From 17th August to 15th September 2009).

-Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Barreiros (From 16th September to 9th October 2009).

-Gallery of the Tourism Office, Foz (From 13th to 29th October 2009).

-Library, Xermade (From 31st October to 2nd December 2009).

-Casa Habanera, Guitiriz (From 4th December to 7th January 2010).

-‘Manuel Orestes’ Cultural Centre, Paradela (From 9th to 26th March 2010).

-Cultural Centre, Chantada (From 6th to 29th July 2010).

2008: “A construcción das identidades e a musealización das culturas populares”, first summer course on Anthropology organized by the USC and the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2008: ‘Arte lucense do século XXI’, Abertal Project.

2008: “Pensa no que ves”; this seminar on artistic education was given by Amelia Arenas and organized by the Galician Centre of Contemporary Art in collaboration with the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2008: Commissioner of “Incisións”. This event was celebrated to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2008: Teacher of a workshop on engraving (‘Monotipos’) at the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2007: Art Natura (collective exhibition). Santiago de Compostela.

2006: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), Provincial Museum (Lugo).

2006: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), National Museum of Romenia (Crakow).

2006: Teacher of a workshop on engraving (‘Estámpame’) at the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2006: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), Sargadelos - Cervo (Lugo).

2006: “El genio y otros mitos” (workshop on image psychology by Daniela Romo), Centre of Crafts and Design (Lugo).

2005: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), Gallery of Lugo County Council.

2004: “O obxecto na arte”, workshop of Manuel Quintana Martelo, CGAC (Santiago de Compostela).

2004: “Orishas” (individual exhibition). Gallery of Lugo County Council, Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2004: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), Paseo del ArteGallery, Puerta de Toledo Centre (Madrid).

2004: Ars Moenia (collective exhibition), University of León.

2004: ALIAD (collective exhibition), Almirante Gallery (Lugo).

2003: Acquisition of work (“Entremuros”) by the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

2003: New funds of the Provincial Museum of Lugo (collective exhibition), Gallery of Lugo County Council.

2003: ‘Artistas lucenses do século XX’ (CD multimedia), Provincial Museum (Lugo).

2002: “Xeracións” (collective exhibition), Almirante Gallery (Lugo).

2002: Individual exhibition, Art Circle (Lugo).

2001: Individual exhibition, Cabrera Gallery, Havana (Cuba).

2001: First prize at the Poster Contest for the Jazz Festival of Lugo.

2000: Selected work at Cidade de Lugo Plastic Art Contest.

2000: Individual exhibition (Burela).

1999: Individual exhibition, Caixa Galicia Foundation, Monforte de Lemos (Lugo).

1998: Individual exhibition, Almirante Gallery (Lugo).

1998: Selected work at the BMW National Painting Prize.

1994: Participation in “Trienal Latina” (international collective exhibition), Pierre Cardinal Centre, Le Puy e Velay (France).