Generoso Baamonde Cillero

Category: Painter
Birth Place: Lanzós - Vilalba (Lugo)


He already showed his passion for drawing when he was still a child but the hard postwar period did not let many people study a career. He loved art, music and literature and painted his first oil in the cover of a diary titled ‘Alarmante mirada ante la destrucción humana’.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important paintings: ‘Alborada de Veiga’, ‘O queixo de San Simón’, ‘As damas de Sargadelos’, ‘Os paxaros pelegris’, ‘Un galego limpiando a capa de ozono’ (he reflects Galician themes in all these works) and ‘Sueño con un regreso a Cuba’, ‘El Quijote y Sancho’, ‘La boda en una cueva gitana’, ‘El tambor de barlovento’ and ‘El manco de Zaché con los cuatro de a pie’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He likes painting about important events for humanity such as his works: ‘La bomba de Oklahoma City’, ‘El huracán El Niño’ and ‘La noche de Sarajevo’.