He took a degree in French Philology and taught French at Secondary Schools. From 1987 to july 2006, he has been the subdirector of Cultural Promotion, Book and Libraries in the Xunta the Galicia. He was the vicepresident of the Association of Galician Translators since it was founded. From 2000 to February 2004, he was the president of the Spanish Organization of Books for Children and Young People. He collaborates as a teacher of the Institute of Education Sciences (Santiago de Compostela University) and the ‘Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria’, giving courses on Galician language. He also worked as a linguistic corrector at Galaxia publishing house from 1985 and 1987, as well as coordinator of textbooks for SM Publications (Galician language and social sciences) and for Galaxia-SM Publications (Galician language).
He is a joint author of the textbooks Lingua Galega 1º de BUP and Galego 2º de BUP (Xerais Publications) and made translations into Spanish for Alfaguara, Lóguez and Bruño and over a hundred translations into Galician for several publishing houses: Galaxia, Argos Vergara, Bruño, Edelvives, Ariel, SM, Xerais, Anaya, Rodeira, Everest and Obradoiro. He was responsible for the Galician edition of the magazine ‘O Correo da Unesco’ since its publication in 1989 until the last issue in 2001. He also wrote some articles about books and reading for the newspaper El Ideal Gallego (1990-91) under the pseudonym Luís Lamas.
Nowadays, he collaborates twice a week in the newspaper El Correo Gallego with the section titled ‘Devagar’.