He emigrated to Biscay, where he started his political activities in 1912. He exiled to France and joined the trade-union socialist movement in 1916 that turned into the French Comunist Party and was nominated as a member of the committee of ‘Radio 3’ in París. In 1926 he was expelled from France and travelled to USSR. On his return to Spain he was arrested and put on trial for being accused of deserter and had to do his military service. Shortly after, he moved to the Basque Country and joined the Basque-Navarrese Federtion of the Comunist Party. In 1929, he moved to France again and was expelled once more for being accused of founding the Metallurgic Trade Union. He returned to Spain after spending some time in Belgium. He joined the Spanish Comunist Party again although he was expelled in 1934. He was living in Madrid as the Civil War burst out and joined the Marxist Unification Labour Party. Then he moved to Barcelona, where he was a member of the committee of Madrid. In Barcelona he was arrested and triedon four occasions.