Claudio Rodríguez Fer

Category: Poet, narrator, essayist and Professor.
Birth Date: 6th April 1956
Birth Place: Lugo
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He worked as a Professor of Secondary Education in Galicia and at New York, Rennes and Santiago de Compostela Universities. Nowadays, he is editing the magazine 'Moenia' and is the secretary of 'Valente' Professorship (Poetry and Aesthetics). He has founded the collection titled 'Clásicos Galegos' and together with Carmen Blanco, he coordinates the cultural magazine 'Unión Libre. Cadernos de vida e culturas'.

 Work & Activities

He wrote a cycle of erotic poetry, consisting of Poemas de amor sen morte (1979), Tigres de ternura (1981), Historia da lúa (1984), A boca violeta (1987) and Cebra (1988), all of them gathered in the book Vulva (1990) selected in the anthology in A muller núa (1992). He also published Cinepoemas (1983), Lugo blues (1987), Extrema Europa (1996), A unha muller descoñecida (1997) and Rastros de vida e poesía (2000), in collaboration with the surrealist painter Eugenio Granell. His narrative work was gathered in Meta-relatos (1988) but there are other examples in magazines and the collective books Medusa, Contos eróticos and O relato breve. Then he published A muller loba (1993), 'A puta filosófica' (Contos de cine, 1996) and 'A raposa boreal' (Unha liña no ceo, 1996). His literary studies were based on the modernisation of the Galician literary analysis, incorporating the most varied methods, as we can see in the books Poesía galega (1989), Arte literaria (1991), Comentarios de textos contemporáneos (1992), Comentarios de textos populares e de masas (1994), Acometida atlántica (Por un comparatismo integral) (1996) and Guía de investigación literaria (1998). As a result of his interest in his friend Anxel Fole, he published A Galicia misteriosa de Ánxel Fole (1981), Ánxel Fole. Vida e obra (1997), O mundo lucense de Ánxel Fole (1997) and Ánxel Fole. Unha fotobiografía (1997) and the editions of Contos de lobos (1985), Cartafolio galego (1996) and Obra galega completa (1997). His doctoral thesis gave rise to the book A literatura galega durante a Guerra Civil (1994) and the editions of the books Guerra literaria by Dieste, (1991), Verbas de chumbo by Castelao (1992), Poesía perdida by Carballo Calero (1993) and Obras reunidas by Angel Johán (1993). In collaboration with Carmen Blanco, he also carried out the editions of Con pólvora e magnolias by Méndez Ferrín (1988) and Os eidos by Novoneyra (1990). He also studied other authors such as Dostoievsky in the introduction of A lenda do Gran Inquisidor (1998) and many Hispanic writers such as Antonio Machado in the book Antonio Machado e Galicia (1989), Borges and Neruda. He also studied Valente's works, elaborating the edition and introduction of Cántigas de alén (1987, 1989 and 1996) and a compilation of his Galician poetry. He also published the books José Ángel Valente (1992) and Material Valente (1994). He directed the International Meeting about José Ángel Valente (1993) and coordinated the monographs of the magazines 'Ínsula' (1994) and 'Moenia' (2001).

 Other Interesting Aspects

As a poet, he got the Spanish Criticism Prize for his poetry work, the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for his research works and 'Losada Diéguez' Prize on two occasions, although he has never participated in a literary contest. His work was studied by Galician and foreign specialists such as Kathleen N. March, Xosé Luis Axeitos, Claude Henri Poullain and Milagros Polo. He was the object of the books Por un vocabulario galego do sexo. A terminoloxía erótica de Claudio Rodríguez Fer (1996) and O lume vital de Claudio Rodríguez Fer (1999) by Olga Novo and Os mundos de Claudio Rodríguez Fer (1998) by Natalia Regueiro. His books were translated into Castilian, English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Catalan and Breton.

In 2012 he was conferred the degree honoris causa at the University of Rennes 2 in Upper Brittany.