Carlos Quintanilla López

Birth Date: 24th november 1963
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-1990. Degree in Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

-1991. MA in Financial and Tax Law at Accounting Centre.

-1996. MA in Tourism Management at the University of Vigo.

He attended the following courses:

-1985/86. "Dereitos fundamentais e liberdades públicas". University of Santiago de Compostela.

-1985. "Delincuencia Económica", Department of Public International Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

-1987/88. English for Commerce, Commerce Bank.

-"Estratexias para un sector turístico de calidade", Euroamerican University.

-"Planeamento, Xestión urbanística e réxime xurídico do solo", Galician Institute for Juridical Studies.

-"Empresa xornalística e a súa liberdade", Euroamerican University.

-Course on Maritime Law.

-"Curso de contratos civís, mercantís e bancarios", Centre for Banking Studies (Madrid).

-"Curso de Operacións Bancarias", Centre for Banking Studies (Madrid).

-"Curso de Derecho Mercantil y Concursal", Centre for Banking Studies (Madrid).

 Work & Activities

-Until March 1993, he carried out commercial and financial activities at Citania Art Gallery.

-From 1993 to 1996, he worked as a legal adviser at Banco Popular Español, S.A.

-From 1996 to 2001 he entered as a member of Forum Tributario S.L. Lawyers and Financial Advisers.

-From 2002 to 2004, he worked as an associate Professor at the University of Vigo, teaching Tax Law.

-Manager of "Urbanismo Natural y Construccion Residencial, S.L.".

-Founder and president of "Quintanilla y Asociados, S.L."

-Member and director general of "Aqua, Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, S.L.P.". This firm is made up of a wide team of lawyers and economists who carried out the main juridical specialities in Galicia, Madrid and Portugal.

-In 2012 he was honoured as Knight of the Order of Camino de Santiago.

-Member of "Abogados Eurojuris International". This international society includes prestigious offices of over thirty countries.

-Manager of the Association of Container Hauliers of the Port of Vigo.

-Active member and treasurer of the International Rotary Club in Vigo.

 Other Interesting Aspects

His passion for travelling made him go on board Juan Sebastián El Cano and go around the world from 1982 to 1984.

He is breeder of pure Spanish race horses.

He is keen on history and member of the Spanish Napoleonic Association.

He often practises horse riding, cycling and skiing.