Carlos Posada Navia

Category: Civil servant and writer
Birth Date: 14th October 1949
Birth Place: Ribadeo (Lugo)
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Degrees and studies: -Farming engineer (Seville). -Agronomist (Lugo). Professional posts: -Project technician at the Agency of Stockbreeding Development (1973-1985) within the Ministry of Agriculture in the Xunta de Galicia since 1982. -Provincial director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food in A Coruña (1986-88). -Territorial Director in Galicia of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food (1988-96). -Assistant technician at the Agriculture Area of the Spanish Government's Office in Galicia since 1996.

 Work & Activities

Books and reports: -Contribución do pasto e do penso á producción leiteira en Galicia nas I Xornadas Agrarias Galegas, MAPA Publications, 1983. -Productividade potencial das praderías galegas expresada en litros de leite in 'Usos do monte en Galicia', 'Do Castro' Publications, 1987, Seminary of Galician Studies. -A pequena agricultura e a producción de leite no horizonte da CEE'. III Xornadas Agrarias Galegas, published by the County Council of A Coruña, 1987; (together with other authors). -A explotación de leite cara ó futuro. Xornadas técnicas sobre a producción de leite. Xunta, 1988. -Producción de leite en Galicia, Xunta, 1989; (together with other authors). -El sector productor de leche en Galicia in 'Revista de Estudios Agrosociais' nº 154 (MAPA), 1991. -Many articles in the economical supplement of 'La Voz de Galicia' and 'Cooperación Galega'.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Special distintion: 'Encomienda de la Orden del Mérito Agrario', awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1993.