Camilo Gómez Torres

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Category: Writer
Birth Date: 26th November 1948
Birth Place: Covas de Augasmestas, Quiroga (Lugo)

Biblioteca Virtual GD


He took a degree in Teaching (Ourense) and Philosophy and Arts (Section of Romance Philology) at the Central University of Barcelona with the minor thesis titled 'Achegamento á poesía de Manuel María'. He also took a doctor's degree in Hispanic Philology (section of Galician-Portuguese language) with the doctoral thesis 'Manuel María: poesía, traballo lingüístico e traballo cultural'. From 1972 to 1977, he worked at 'La Merced' School in Sarria and he has worked at 'Lucus Augusti' Secondary School in Lugo since 1st October 1977.

 Work & Activities

THEATRE PLAYS that have been performed but not published:
Historia dun espantallo (1972), first performance: 1973.
Unha luz na noite (1975), first performance: 1975.
Auto do sí, señoría (1975), first performance: 1977.
Historia dunha experiencia teatral (1976), first performance: 1977.
A sala de xuntas (1980), first performance: 1981.

Collaborations in collective volumes:
"Silencio de hidra" (poem), Several authors, Pregoeiro da Luz. Homenaje literario a Alfonso Blanco Torrado, Lugo, 1993, Page 45.
"...até outra nova primavera" (story), Several authors., Os escritores lucenses arredor de Fole, City Council of Lugo, Lugo, 1986. Pages 95-96.
"¿Até cando?" (poem), Several authors., Papeis de barba (Homenaje a Manuel María de los escritores lucenses), Lugo, 1995.

Guides and editions of anthologies:
Manuel María. Versos de trinta outonos (Escolma: 1950-1979), Xistral Publications, Santiago, 1980.
Xesbib 1.0. Manual de axuda, Lugo, 1995. Programa de gestión informática de una biblioteca escolar. In collaboration with Antón Gonçalves Quintela.
Antoloxía poética. Manuel María, Collection "A nosa literatura", nº 39, AS-PG and A Nosa Terra, Vigo, 1997.
Studies on literature:
"Cinco notas a Laio e cramor pola Bretaña", "Vértice", nº 367-368, Coimbra, 1974, Pages 636-651.
"A lingua e o conflicto lingüístico na poesía de Manuel María", "Pasárgada", nº 1, Lisboa, 1976. Pages 86-100.
"Notas para unha biografía", Manuel María. Versos de trinta outonos. (Escolma: 1950-1979), Xistral Publications, Santiago, 1980. ISBN: 84-85271-23-8. Pages 13-20.
"Apuntes para un achegamento á poesía galega da postguerra", Manuel María. Versos de trinta outonos. (Escolma: 1950-1979). Pages 21-32.
"Achegamento á poesía de Manuel María", Manuel María. Versos de trinta outonos. (Escolma: 1950-1979)... Pages 33-43.
"Canción para cantar tódolos días", de Manuel María, "Mundaiz", nº 31, EUTG (Estudios Universitarios y Técnicos de Guipúzcoa), January-June, 1986, Pages 125-143.
"Apuntes biográficos: Manuel María", in "Follas Secas", nº 12, Ourense, January-March, 1987, pages 11-15.
"Manuel María e a poesía galega. Terra Cha na poesía de Manuel María", in Several authors, Manuel María da Terra Cha, Citania Publications, Lugo, 1995. Pages 39-53.
"Manuel María e o seu tempo" in Several authors, Historia da Literatura galega, vol. IV, AS-PG and A Nosa Terra, Vigo, 1977. Pages 1217-1248.
"A poesía de Fiz Vergara Vilariño nos anos setenta", in Several authors, Fiz Vergara Vilariño, "Guieiros", nº 4, 'Xermolos' Cultural Association, Guitiriz, December, 1997. Pages 31-37.
"Manuel María: poesía, traballo lingüístico e traballo cultural" (Doctoral thesis, read on 19th May 2000. Unpublished).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He has also directed theatre plays and has made video films and collaborated in the newspapers El Progreso and La Voz de Galicia.