Ángel Serafín Porto Ucha

Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 1st April 1945
Birth Place: Guláns - Ponteareas (Pontevedra)
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He took a degree in Philosophy and Arts and a doctor's degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. He was the secretary, director and coordinator of the Orientation Department. He made his doctoral thesis titled 'Relaciones de Galicia con la Institución Libre de Enseñanza'. Since 1985, he has been a Professor and tutor at the Open University in Pontevedra. In 1988, he became a Professor at Santiago University. He has organised several doctorate seminars such as: 'A ILE e a Renovación Pedagóxica en Galicia', 'Evolución histórica da Institución Escolar', 'Sistemas de Apoio ós Centros Escolares', 'Evolución histórica da Avaliación dos Estudiantes' y 'Análise de Documentos Históricos'. His research lines focus mainly on 'school construction in Galicia', History of school in Galicia', 'The Pedagogical Renewal in Galicia' and the 'EPS'. Nowadays, he is making research works about the historic development of School in Galicia.

 Work & Activities

He published La Institución Libre de Enseñanza en Galicia (1986), A Escuela Normal de Pontevedra (1845-1940), O contexto curricular e social na formación do profesorado (1994) and other works about history of education in Galicia, which were collected in the minutes of congresses, collective books, specialized magazines and newspapers, and works about Didactics and School Organization related to his professional especiality. He is the main researcher and director of the project La Institución Libre de Enseñanza and Cossio, precursores de la Escuela Nueva. He directed several doctorate theses such as: 'La Educación para la Salud: Marco teórico y análisis de la situación en el medio rural gallego en Educación Primaria' (collaboration), and 'Xogo popular galego e educación: Vixencia educativa e función de identificación cultural dos xogos e enredos tradicionais'. Together with Aurora Marco, he carried out the work A Escola Normal de Santiago de Compostela.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of the following societies: Spanish Society of History of Education, Societat d'Historia de l'Educació dels Països de Llengua Catalana, Nova Escola Galega and Museo do Pobo Galego, among others. He is on the editorial staff and advisory board of Educative Innovation (Carlos Rosales is the director). He collaborated in the publication Anuario Gallego de Historia de la Educación, directed by Herminio Barreiro.