Ana Romaní

Category: Writer and journalist
Birth Date: In 1962
Birth Place: Noia (A Coruña)

She works as an announcer in the ‘Radio Gallega’ and has been directing the daily programme ‘Diario Cultural’ since 1990. 'Diario Cultural' is one of the most known programmes of cultural information on Galician radio. Since the beginning, the programme pays a special attention to theatre. There is a daily theatre section with paragraphs of the newest Galician theatre productions.

In 2006 'Diario Cultural' promoted Diario Cultural Radio Theatre Prize, organized by Radio Galego and the Galician Drama Centre. The contest tries to promote plays for the radio and contribute to the recovery of radio theatre from a contemporary perspective. The prize materializes in a contest of unpublished texts, the radio adaptation and broadcasting of the finalist plays in different programmes of Radio Galega as well as the publication of a book-CD and the realization of Espazo Radioescénico.

 Work & Activities

She published the following poetry books: Palabra de Mar (1987), Das últimas mareas, Espiral Maior (1994), Arden, Espiral Maior (1998), the story Marmelada de amoras, Nova 33 (1997) and Antoloxía de Antón Avilés de Taramancos, Galaxia (2003). She coordinated the volume of stories Narradio. 56 historias no ar, Xerais (2003), by the ‘Diario Cultural’ in ‘Radio Gallega’. She also participated in several artistic projects such as ‘O Son da Pedra’ by Milladoiro, ‘Daquelas que cantan. Rosalía na palabra de once poetas galegas’ of ‘Rosalía de Castro’ Foundation, ‘Son Delas’ coordinated by Uxía Senlle, ‘Lob*s’ (1998) with Antón Lopo, ‘Estalactitas’ (2002) with Anxos Romeo and Lupe Gómez, ‘Catro poetas suicidas. Intervención poética contra a levidade’ (2002) alone and ‘A voz e o poema. Os periplos de Aviles de Taramancos’ with Anxo Quintela. She also wrote Love me tender. 24 Pezas mínimas para unha caixa de música (col. Poeta en Compostela, 2005) and Estremas (ed. Galaxia, 2010).

 Other Interesting Aspects

She was awarded the First ‘Irmandade do Libro’ Prize for the radio programme ‘Diario Cultural’ in 1992, Xerais Prize for her cultural collaboration (1999), ‘San Martiño’ Prize in favour of Linguistic and Cultural Normalization (2002), Prize of the Association of Writers in Galician Language (2007) and Prize to Reading Encouragement of the Federation of Spanish Editors (2007).

She was awarded Atlántida Prize for her professional activity (Gremi de Editors de Catalunya, 2008), Marisa Soto Honourable Prize (Association of Galician Actors and Actresses, 2009), Prize to the Journalistic Career (Association of Writers in Galician Language, 2009) and Prize to the Theatre Activity ('XXVIII Mostra Internacional de Teatro Cómico e Festivo de Cangas, 2011).