Agustín Sixto Seco

Category: Doctor and cultural activist
Birth Date: 3rd December 1926 (†30th December 2004)
Birth Place: Mugardos (A Coruña)

Professional posts: 1950: Medical lieutenant at the Universitary Naval Soldiering. 1953: Member of the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery (SECOT). 1957: Member of the International Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery (SICOT). 1964: Founder of 'La Rosaleda' Polyclinical Institute (Santiago). 1967: Member of the Spanish Society of Rehabilitation (SER). 1968: Member of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SEREUMA). 1969: Member of the International College of Surgeons (U.S.A.). 1970: Member of the Spanish Society of Foot Surgery (SECPIE). 1974: Founder of the Galician Surgery Society (SOCIRGA). 1977: Member of the Andalusian Society of Traumatology and Orthopaedics (SATO). Member of the National Committee of Medicial Specialities. Member of the Advisory Board of the Health Undersecretary's Office. 1979: Member of the 'Consello Galego de Sanidade' (Santiago). Honourable member of the Argentine Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 1980: President and founder of the Galician Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 1982: President of the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. 1985: Senator of the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. 1986: Honourable member of the Latin American Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SLAOT). Cultural posts: 1954: Member of the publishing house 'Galaxia' (Vigo). 1960: Managing director of the publishing house 'Sept' (Vigo). 1970: President of 'Rosalía de Castro' Foundation. 1976: President and founder of the 'Museo do Pobo Galego' (Santiago). 1977: Member of the Galician Information Institute (Santiago). 1979: President of 'Otero Pedrayo' Foundation (Ourense). 1983: Secretary of the 'Consello da Cultura Galega' (Santiago). 1988: Patron of 'Penzol' Foundation (Vigo). 1989: Patron of 'Castelao' Foundation (Santiago). 1990: Patron of 'Camilo José Cela' Foundation (Iria Flavia - Padrón). 1991: Delegate in Europe of the Galician Centre of Buenos Aires. 1994: Patron of 'Alfredo Brañas' Foundation (Santiago). 1995: Member of the management committee of 'Ramón Piñeiro' Centre of Humanities (Santiago).

 Work & Activities

Publications: 1971: Proceso en Galicia a las prótesis totales de cadera. 1977: Cirugía del dolor lumbosacro (Report SECOT, Valladolid). 1979: Artrodesis lumbosacra (colour film 36 mm, 35 minutes). 1985: Sentencia en Galicia a las prótesis totales de cadera. 1997: Entre portas (selection of articles; 'Compostela' publishing house - Caja Madrid). He gave 152 lectures and 9 speeches but he also wrote 11 prologues for books and 959 articles.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Distinctions: 1970: 'Orthopaedics National Prize'. 1980: Member of the Galician Academy; guest of honour in Mar de Plata (Buenos Aires) and 'honourable student' at 'Mayor Xelmírez' College (Santiago). 1981: 'Honourable student' at 'St Agustin' College (Santiago). 1982: 'Honourable student' at 'La Estila' College (Santiago). 1985: 'Honourable student' at 'St Agustin' College (Santiago). 1986: 'Honourable student' at 'Arosa' College (Santiago). 1992: Honourable member and gold medal at the Galician Centre in Buenos Aires. 1993: Honourable member of the band of street musicians 'Club de Campo' (Ferrol). 1995: 'Percebe de plata' prize (Barcelona). 1996: 'Galician silver medal'. 1999: Cross of the 'naval merit' with white badge. Sports posts: 1962: Founder and general secretary of the football club 'Sociedad Deportiva Compostela'. 1985: Honourable president of 'Sociedad Deportiva Compostela'. 1986: Honourable member of the football club 'Galicia de Mugardos, S.D.C.'.