Vicente Piñeiro González

Pseudonym: Cascudo de San Cibrán
Category: Writer
Birth Date: 22nd June 1954
Birth Place: Lugo
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2003 Vilalba Poetry Prize

 Work & Activities

He has published the following books: Antoniño ('Chaira' Publications, narrative); O can abandonado e outros relatos ('Chaira' Publications, narrative); Sonetos á Xeometría ('Chaira' Publications, poetry); Guía en verso do Camiño de Santiago ('Chaira' Publications, poetry); Sonetos á Xeometría (Propostas de traballo) ('Chaira' Publications, poetry); Os círculos sagrados ('Chaira' Publications, narrative); Los círculos sagrados ('Kekeres' Publications, narrative); Ceo e Pedra ('Chaira' Publications, poetry); Poemas de amor ('Chaira' Publications, poetry); CD Panxoliñas ó Belén de Begonte (poetry); Camiño Real (fantastic poetry and narrative set in the Primitive Road to Santiago) and La Risa de Dios (Spies novel about the international terrorism and the disaster of the Twin Towers); De amor y muerte (fantastic novel about the Middle Ages); Político Privado, a theatre play about people from Lugo (Ánxel Fole, Trapero Pardo, Quico, Don Valentín, etc.), some stories of this book have already been published in 'Taboa Redonda'. He has also written critical works, stories and poetry in several newspapers and magazines. he is preparing a trilogy of fantastic novels with characters of Galician mithology, being the first one based on the Caves of Cintolo.