Paula San Vicente Pellicer

Category: Writer
Birth Date: In April 1963
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She listened to her parents reading poems by Rubén Darío and Federico García Lorca when she was a child. Some years later, she herself began to write poetry.

 Work & Activities

1998. “Gatos a lápis sem ponta”. Ed. Caminho (Lisbon). Poems.
2000-4. Several stories in ‘Rodapé’, magazine of Beja’s Library and ‘Mealibra’ (Viana do Castelo).
2003. Manuel Murguia Short Narration Prize.
2005. Story in ‘Revista 365’.
2006. “El mercado de San Agustín”, in ‘La Siesta del Lobo’ (Albacete).
2006. ‘As Idades dela’, in “Contos na Baiuca”, Ed. Espiral Maior. She was awarded Murguia Prize in (2003.
2006. “O regresso I e II”, a story published in ‘Rascunho’, Curitiba - Brazil.
2007. ‘O Corvo e a Cigarra’, in “Viver é ser no tempo intemporal (Recados a Miguel Torga)”. The book was written by several authors and is devoted to Miguel Torga, Fernando Pessoa University.
2007. “Fios-de-contas”. Ed. Laiovento, which was awarded the 25th edition of Carvalho Calero Prize in 2005.