Luis Manuel García Mañá

Category: Policeman
Birth Date: 19th October 1950
Birth Place: Ourense

He took a degree in Law and studied Teaching, Forensic Toxicology and Cultural Anthropology. He worked as a police superintendent in Madrid and Vigo. Nowadays he works in Ourense. He is a member of the Institute of Studies on Vigo, the Patronage of the Foundation of Criticism Prizes, the board of Otero Pedrayo Foundation and Faustino Santalices Foundation. He was awarded the distinction ‘galego del mes’ by El Correo Gallego in September 2000 and presented the Day of the Galician Letters in Vigo in 1999. He is a member of the Foundation 'Amigos de la Universidad de Vigo’.

 Work & Activities

De los corregidores a los gobernadores civiles de Ourense, Ministry of the Interior, 1986, La frontera hispano-lusa en la provincia de Ourense, in Boletín Auriense, Annex 11, Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Ourense, 1988, Miño, ¿existiu unha fronteira? apuntes históricos, xurídicos e sociolóxicos, Galaxia, 1993, O lume de Santo Antón, Xerais, 1997; Alianza, 2002, Las boticas de Vigo y el arte del oficio, 1998 egu, As plumas do moucho, Ir Indo, 1999, Couto Mixto: unha república esquecida, Vigo University, 2000, Menino morreu, Xerais, 2003. COLECTIVE WORKS: Contos sen fronteiras, Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste peninsular, 1999, En galego agora e sempre, con Florentino Cuevillas e Ánxel Fole, Foundation of Criticism Prizes, 2002, Palabra por palabra, Contos da Policía, Ir Indo, 2003. Besides, he collaborated in several publications and newspapers such as ‘Boletín Auriense’, Bulletin of the Institute of Studies on Vigo, ‘Eixo Atlántico’, ‘Lingua Viva’, ‘Tempo Exterior’, La Voz de Galicia, La Región and Faro de Vigo. He participated in the book O home do unto, Manuel Blanco Romasanta – County Council of Ourense, 1991 and the study La droga en la población escolar no universitaria – Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Ourense.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He holds several decorations and degrees of the Orders of the Civil, Policial and Naval Merit.