José Antonio Muñiz Álvarez

Birth Date: 18th August 1883 (†3rd January)
Birth Place: A Fonsagrada (Lugo)

After studying Primary Education in his native village, he emigrated to Cuba and travelled to France some years later. He returned to his native village when he was forty. From 1923 to 1925 he joined all the neighbours of Negueira valley in agrarian associations by way of cooperatives. He promoted culture so that there were no illiterate children and created several schools. According to the Royal Decree 22nd July 1928, he created six parishes that belonged to A Fonsagrada (Ríodeporto, Negueira, Hernes, Ouviaño, Barcela and Marentes), that was later called Constitutional Municipality of Negueira. On 22nd November 1929 Negueira changed the name to Negueira de Muñiz. During the Civil War he was sent to prison and sentenced and his properties confiscated.

 Other Interesting Aspects

After leaving prison in the postwar period, he married in 1944 when he was sixty-one (the bride was eighteen) and had three children.